

My goal is to meditate at least once a week.

Added by Ms Kate Judge Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/31/2018

I want my overall quality of life to improve. I would like to drive safer. Be more organized. Eat healthy, not overeat! Be more active (workout 5-6 days a week). And be happier with myself and my life!! 

Added by Brittney Carr Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/26/2018

I want to improve a little bit in several areas. I pledge to be a safer driver and not pick up my phone while driving. I pledge to make healthier food choices (more veggies) and cut out the soda. I pledge to get a little more rest each night (even if I can't sleep), and to exercise at least 4 days a week instead of only 3. I will also open up more to my husband and ...

life is short will make time to scapbook and live life

I want to work at improving my quality of life by reducing my stress level. Relax more, practice yoga, meditation, spend quality time with friends and family.

To really listen to my husband and respond in a kind, gentle manner.

Added by Susan Hunter Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/19/2018

I commit to doing one fun thing a day.

Added by Jane Cline Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/18/2018

I began a personal growth and development journey in 2016, to include joining HNHN, weight loss and new exercise plan. But it also included learning about personal growth within. Beginning with making appointments with my nurse mentors and sticking to meeting with them, I also joined a series with John Maxwell. This year I plan to apply more of the tools ...

I am committed to learning how to do my own home repairs and renovations to the extent that it's possible. I have a small project of painting my front entrance which is a good start. As soon as the weather warms up I want to be out there scraping and painting.

My Healthy Outlook on LIving Resolution for 2018 is to work hard on learning new things. I resolve to read more, write more, and Learn at Least Three New Things EveryDay . I Further resolve to work Hard EVERYDAY to Be the Nurse others look to for Advice and Exceptionalism both in my Practice and my Life.

This is a hard one. I am going to commit to doing three activities with my family per week. This will be focused around something other than eating ( enough said on that subject). I want to have meaningful conversation with each of my family members once a week for at least 30 minutes. I also want to keep a gratitude journal starting today to help me see the good ...

Added by Dianna Garza Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/08/2018

I found this meditation a good reminder.  I hope you do too. Choices. Choices make the difference. Two people are in the same accident and severely wounded. They did not choose to be in the accident. It happened to them. But one of them chose to live the experience in bitterness, the other in gratitude. These choices radically influenced their lives and ...

To improve my quality of life, I would like to unplug from technology on a weekly basis for one day - most likely Sundays.

My resolution for 2018 involves an intention to cultivate more gratitude in my life and am curious to see how this impacts my joy and sense of contentment.  I commit to logging on and participating in at least one gratitude practice daily on

Added by Paula Koppel Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/04/2018

My husband and I have been reading the Daily Bible everyday for the last 7 or 8 year’s. We read the daily Bible which is the Bible broken up into 365 readings. Each day you read a small part of the Old Testament, New Testament, Proverbs and Psalms. At the end of the year you have read the entire Bible. But last year I seemed to be going through the motions and just ...

My goal is to meditate 2-3 times a week

I am resolving to do yoga 2-3 times a week for healthy body and healthy mind.  I find that doing yoga before bedtime helps me sleep better and wake up feeling more rested.  My friend Sarah keeps me accountable. 

I am building a bullet journal to: abreast of current responsibilities remember past, present and future follow tasks that are important realize opportunities streamline work/play/rest THis bullet journal will have index; tasks; daily, monthly and yearly calendars; journaling daily with review of day/month/year documentation to be ...

Added by Roberta Terry Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/03/2018

There's always room for improvement in the quality of our lives.  Committing to making just small changes to my thinking and my usual behavior is my goal this year. I'm usually a very positive person but sometimes I let a person at work ruin my day. I will change my thinking about that person and not focus on his negative behavior. 

I am entering my last semester of nursing school. This semester is going to be very trying for me. I will be spending 3 weeks of clinical rotation on a psych floor and six in the OR during my preceptorship. I have pledged to be good to myself both physically and mentally so I can make it through the semester and pass my NCEX and pass my first time. 

I will make sure my health is a priority this year.  I will not put myself second to others or my work.  

Added by Lisa Pacheco Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/02/2018

Explore Other Blogs By Domain

Your safety matters. This domain covers a wide range of topics - from staying alert at the wheel to safe patient handling and mobility.

Rest breaks and healthy sleep are not only restorative - but are key to your health and to providing safe patient care. This domain addresses strategies and guidelines for restorative sleep, workplace breaks and napping, and managing shift work.

Quality of Life
Your work, home life, family, and other commitments frequently compete for your time and attention. This domain focuses on the elements that improve the quality and balance of your life including your physical, financial, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Physical Activity
Nurses are often on their feet all day but fall short of recommended national guidelines for physical exercise. This domain includes strategies for overcoming barriers for guidelines and meeting exercise guidelines.

It isn't easy to find time for healthy eating. On average, nurses consume less fruits, veggies, and whole grains than other Americans. This domain covers recommended guidelines for dietary health, managing diet at work, and overcoming barriers to nutrition.

Mental Health
The nature and stresses of the nursing profession can take a toll on your mental health. This domain deals with your psychological affect and health. Mental wellbeing practices, stress relief resources, and personal stories are just some of the assets included here.

Most Recent Comments

Hi @RSASANURSE great commitment!! What steps are you taking?

awesome, my mother has a garden where I get a lot of fresh produce 

@Catherinesuh Awesome! Are your  family outings a regular event?

@Davien Great work! Keep it up!

@Jasmine Vasquez I agree with Kelda below, you should try to start living now! Even if it's just setting a little time aside each week for relaxing as a family, or just you if you need it.