What's Your Resolution? Challenge

2018 is the year to make your New Year's resolution happen!

Over the course of this challenge we’ll walk you through selecting your resolution and help you get through the first month so you can be on your way to success and stick to it.

Join us by clicking "Yes" under "Ready to Join?" on the top right side of the screen.

To get started, think about your resolution. Instead of a broad resolution (this year I’m going to stress less) or an overly ambitious one (I’m going to run a marathon, even though I haven’t exercised regularly in years), choose something small and doable.

Here are some ideas:
  • Park further away from your destination
  • Meditate for 2 minutes daily
  • Track your eating habits with free apps to be more mindful
  • Call or video chat a friend once each week
  • Read a chapter of a book each day
  • Get 8 hours of sleep each night Limit your social media intake
Our blog How to Set New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Accomplish! can also help you choose your resolution. Once you've come up with the right one for you post it on our Resolution Wall and share your updates with us on how it's going in our discussion!

Date & Time
Friday December 15th, 2017
End Date & Time
Thursday March 1st, 2018

How are you doing in the challenge?

smbcajun smbcajun Feb '20
well i actually set up my own at ist of year i try and exersise 3 x a week at least and read the bible daily tract eating with fitness pal 

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  • The HealthyNurse Survey with customized results and recommendations
  • Fun, engaging & inspiring monthly health challenges and blogs
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  • An online community to connect you to others with similar goals – share stories &gain best practices

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