Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - #healthynurse Spotlight Series - Mary Alice Anderson 1771

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - #healthynurse Spotlight Series - Mary Alice Anderson

552c76dbe7978602e4bd1cbefc9416d7-huge-maHealthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ (HNHN) started around the time when I started lifting weights. Because of my trainer and a new online nursing support system, I didn't feel alone. Suddenly I had people around me who were dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle, not just drinking every weekend. When I got into a new routine of meal prepping and made eating right a habit and privilege, my body performed more efficiently in the gym and at work. I felt a new responsibility to myself-I need to eat right, work out, and sleep well to feel healthy.

HNHN reminds me through weekly emails that I am not alone and that others need consistent reminders like I do. The more you're around others who choose healthy lifestyles; the easier it is to continue to choose to be healthy. I'm grateful for an online support system of nurses who have my same struggles and are willing to share their plans and successes with the global network.

Mary Alice Anderson, MS, RN, CNOR  

Are you a #HealthyNurse? Would you like to be highlighted in our next #HealthyNurse Spotlight? Share your stories with us in our discussion.

c987219becfc64baa8a999f8eee281c1-huge-anHave you joined the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN) Grand Challenge yet? Join us today!  
Blog #healthynurse Spotlight 07/09/2018 11:17am CDT

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#healthynurse Spotlight
169 Posts 11
The #healthynurse Spotlight is a shout out to nurses who are making changes in their lives to improve their health and wellness. You can too! Read their stories for inspiration here.
