Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - HNHN's Strength Through Resiliency Committee 3650

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - HNHN's Strength Through Resiliency Committee

HNHN's Strength through Resiliency Committee, via the behest of the American Nurses Association's 2019 Membership Assembly, examined, developed, and collected mental health resources for nurses, including those for suicide prevention. 

The Strength through Resiliency Committee is comprised of a Work Group and Review Committee, co-chaired by Judy Davidson, DNP, RN, MCCM, FAAN and Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FNAP, FAAN.  The Committee was convened in late 2019 and began meeting in January, 2020.  It is composed of mental health subject matter experts, invested nurses, and ANA support staff.  See below for the rosters and please take time to view the Nurse Suicide Prevention/Resilience webpages the Committee developed.

Work Group
Organization Name
Acute Care RN and Artist Laurel Prince, RN, BSN, CCRN
American Academy of Nursing Judy Davidson, DNP, RN, MCCM, FAAN
Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FNAP, FAAN
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Janie Heath, PhD, APRN-BC, FAAN, FNAP, FAANP
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses Cynthia Blank-Reid, MSN, RN, TCRN, CEN
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Julie Rice, BA
American Holistic Nurses Association Jalma Mesnick Marcus, MS, BS, RN, HNB-BC, CLSE, CBP, AT
American Nurses Credentialing Center Christine Pabico, PhD, MSN, RN, NE-BC
American Organization for Nursing Leadership Heather Rizzo, DNP, MSN, NPD-BC, CENP
American Psychiatric Nurses Association Tari Dilks, RN, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FAANP
American Nurses Association (ANA) member Peggy Lee, BSN, RN
ANA, Individual Member Division Dawn Lea, PhD, RN
ANA, Ethics Liz Stokes, JD, MA, RN
ANA, Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation, Staff Lead Holly Carpenter, BSN, RN
ANA, Nursing Practice & Work Environment Kendra McMillan, MPH, RN
ANA, Office of General Counsel Swalitha Richardson, JD, BS
ANA, Office of General Counsel Bruke Sullivan, JD, BA
ANA, Policy & Government Affairs Lisa Stand, BA
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses Terri Link MPH, BSN, CNOR
Emergency Nurses Association Paul R. Clark, PhD, RN, MA
Georgia Nurses Association Linda Morrow, DNP, MBA, NE-BC, CPHQ, CNOR
Health Ministries Association Julie Ruchniewicz, BSN, RN
Hospital educator representative Marianne Hess, MSN, RN, CCRN-K
National Council of State Boards of Nursing Michelle Buck, MSN, APRN, CNS
National League for Nursing Kathleen Poindexter, PhD, RN, CNE
National Student Nurses' Association Trisha Mims, MSN, MBA, RN
Nurses Organization of Veterans Affairs Catherine Giasson, DNP, MHA, RN, NE-BC
San Diego State University Amanda Choflet, DNP, RN, OCN
Sigma Matthew Howard DNP, RN, CEN, CPEN, CPN
The Ohio State University Sharon Tucker, PhD, APRN-CNS, NC-BC, EBP-C, FNAP, FAAN
The Ohio State University, CO-CHAIR Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FNAP, FAAN
University of San Diego California, CO-CHAIR Judy Davidson, DNP, RN, MCCM, FAAN

Review Committee
Organization Name
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Brittany Abeln, BSN, RN
American Nurses Association (ANA) member Nirva Berthold, MSN, RN
ANA Individual Member Division (IMD) Mitzi Fields, MSN, RN
Association of periOperative Registered Nurses Kristin Seeman, MSN, RN, CNOR
Arizona Nurses Association Jason Bradley, PhD(c), MSEd. RN, CCRN-K, LPC
Colorado Nurses Association Mary Ciambelli PhD, RXN, PMHCNS-BC
Connecticut Nurses Association
Stephanie R. Paulmeno, DNP, MS, RN, NHA, CPH, CCM, CDP
Indiana State Nurses Association Brian A. Arwood, MSN, RN, RN-BC
Iowa Nurses Association Maureen Horsley, MS, PNP-BC, FNP-BC, RN
Louisiana State Nurses Association Mitzie Meyers, MSN, RN, CNE, AHN-BC
Minnesota Organization of Registered Nurses Tracy Howard, MSN, RN, PHN
Mississippi Nurses Association Carl Mangum, PhD, PMHNP-BC, NHDP- BC
New Hampshire Nurses Association Judith Pare, PhD, MS, RN
New Mexico Nurses Association Rachael Frija, DNP, RN-BC
New Jersey State Nurses Association Susan H. Weaver, PhD, RN, CRNI, NEA-BC
Oklahoma Nurses Association Karen Taylor, DNP, APRN-CNP, PMHNP-BC
South Carolina Nurses Association Margaret Johnson, FNP, PMHNP-BC, DNP
Texas Nurses Association Dawn M. Webb, MSN, RN-BC
The Ohio State University  Jacqueline Hoying, PhD, RN, NEA-B
Vermont Nurses Association Cynthia Peterson, PhD (c),  MSN, RN
Virginia Nurses Association Melissa Earley BSN, RN-BC, QMHP-C, NHDP-BC, CCEMT-P
Wyoming Nurses Association Barbara James, MS, BSN, RN

Reviewed and updated 12/7/22
Blog Safety 04/10/2020 10:21am CDT

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errncam errncam Aug '21   This website has information to help nurses navigate through the Board of Nursing discipline. It has a lot of resources for assistance and words of wisdom. 
‍  mental health discrimination‍ I am so sorry that this happened, it sounds very difficult.  You may find this website on Nurse Suicide Prevention/Resilience helpful: .If you have concerns that your rights are being or have been violated in the workplace, or that your employer is violating or has violated state or federal workplace safety rules and regulations, you should contact an attorney in your jurisdiction, as we do not provide these services, nor can we investigate complaints. If you need a referral, you can contact the American Association of Nurse Attorneys at I hope this information is helpful to you and I wish your the very best. Has anyone else had a similar situation with a different outcome that you could share?
Because I asked for help for suicidal thoughts:

Suicide prevention in nursing.  One big problem is that nurses and other healthcare professionals cannot go the seek healthcare when they are feeling depressed and suicidal without risking their license, their job, their identity as a nurse or any other job.

I went though a very dark depression, a one time incident that I have been recovered from for years.  However when I took FMLA to get help from a counselor he reported me to the SBON without telling me.  My license was suspended, I lost my job and now everything that I told the counselor, that should be HIPPA protected, is published on the SBON website for anyone, anyone to see.  So now I can't get a job anywhere due to my background check that includes info that should be HIPA protected.  I can't even get a job at Walmart.  I went back to school and get a different degree.  But I still can't get a job through that either due to my background check.  I am literally going to end up on the streets because I asked for help.  I thought I was doing the right thing to protect myself and others, but I was only punished for it.  (I went to an HR consultant, she said "it will be impossible to get a job unless they don't really do a background check."  This just isn't right for me or anyone else.  

Is there away to get the SBON to take such private information off their website so I can get a job -  not in nursing.

emdanuco‍ Thank you for your kind comments.  Please see ANA's Nurse Suicide Prevention/Resilience website at and the Well-Being Initiative just for nurses at for more great resources.
I love the title healthy nurse healthy nation. I have been away from bedside since 2014 but I still remember the level of stress I felt taking care of the sick and the dying in Oncology. Now, I am on different level of stress in transplant. Since the pandemic I most worried for my friends and colleague in the frontlines. It is hard to do self care when you are too busy trying to survive day to day. I feel like that our nurses are in the battlefield and a lot of them will have PTSD when the dust finally settle after this pandemic is over when they can actually finally able to take a breath and look inside and feel the real emotions. I think it is important that strength through resiliency training becomes a part of the annual competencies for all the nurses. I don’t think you can ever overprepare in learning ways to cope with stress especially traumatic experiences and a reminder of the importance of self care. 


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