

I am committed to walking for 30 minutes three times a week. I have spent the last two years working full time while going to school and doing clinicals and raising kids and all the things. I have finally graduated!! Woohoo!! And I am ready to give myself back some "me time" by adding back the walking that I used to really enjoy.

I will stay hydrated by drinking at-least 8 cups of water daily.I will walk 2-3 miles on my days off to promote my physical health.

Added by Evelyne Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 07/22/2024

I've officially finished school and working as a RN now. My goal for the next year is to start being more active, I want to start working out and make better eating habits.

Added by Rosa77 Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 07/16/2024

I commit to purposefully moving my body for at least 30 minutes everyday. Whether it be a walk with my husband and our two dogs, or getting to the gym for a run and lifting session, this is a method of self care for me that I want to prioritize in this busy season of life of pursuing a higher degree and beginning a new RN position. 

Will do strengthening exercise 10 minutes daily and walking 30 minutes four days a week 

Added by maryamal Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 06/19/2024

I will engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise at least 4 days/week

I believe that movement changes your mind, body, and spirit. If your day begins to feel overwhelming stand up and walk a minimum of 100 steps and your feelings will change. Take slow deep breaths. 

Added by slutz Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 05/08/2024

While being so busy in nursing school, I have found it difficult to want to be active due to exhaustion and wanting to lay down and rest. I know that that is not good for my health, so I try to walk my dog atleast once a day to get some physical activity! 

During nursing school it can get very easy to overindulge in “rest times” due to exhaustion and stress. However, it is proven that we need at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. I commit to go on a 30 min walk each day to promote better physical health and better coping for stress. 

throughout the rest of nursing school and through my nursing career i’ll continue to keep doing the things that keep my quality of life up, such as going on walks and just being outside! 

I commit to making my physical health more of a priority by walking outside 5 times a week.  I love to go on outside walks but when I get busy with school and other commitments this physical activity is one of the first things that I drop from my schedule. When I go on walks it not only improves my physical health but also my mental health as I am able to take a break ...

My personal commitment is to always keep my body moving that way I can stay strong & healthy! 

Added by Maiziefoxx Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 03/23/2024

I commit to making time outside of work, school, and other stressors to exercise, whether it be in a gym or outdoors, for at least one hour three to four times a week. It is important to find hobbies and interests outside your daily obligations, and it is even better that I can have friends to share them with.  

Added by Osato Omere Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 03/22/2024

I commit to set time aside for myself and keep personal time away from work and school. What I like to do for myself in my personal time is going to the gym and running. I have been consistent in nursing school with keeping this healthy balance. Working out has always been a time where my mind can shut off. It helps to have this hobby because it benefits my ...

Added by Jackievass Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 03/22/2024

I commit to continuing taking a 2-mile run at least 5 times a week. I took up running before the start of this semester, and it has helped me keep myself in shape and increased my physical activity. I want to continue this journey throughout the semester and into my career. Not only will it help me stay in shape physically, but it has and will help my mental ...

I commit to going on at least a 30 minute walk outside everyday. I will be exercising through my walking, which will improve my physical health. It will also help me relax, be in fresh air, and get some Vitamin D.

At the gym with my nursing school buddies! One of the things I’ve been consistent with throughout nursing school is physical activity. Even if it’s for 30 minutes, I’ll find the time. It is the only thing that makes me feel energized, focused, and ready to have a productive day after a good intense workout. Working out has also improved my stress levels and ...

I commit to focus on my physical and mental health and make time for exercise. Balancing nursing school with work and life has been challenging but I know that taking time out of my day to relive stress through physical activity will immensely benefit my mental health. I enjoy getting my steps in while hiking or doing some lifting at the gym!

Added by isabel m Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 03/21/2024

I am committing to increasing my cardiovascular health through aerobic exercises. On days where I do not have time for go to the gym, I will walk, bike, or run around my neighborhood

I commit to working out because I am now in a jogging classes and have no excuse because this class is for a grade. 

I make a commitment to increase my physical activity. I have no excuses and now it’s time!

I have to say that since I started nursing school (pre-reqs and core classes) and working now, I have no time to go to the gym and excersize. I want to start going more often to the gym. 

Added by katpash Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 01/30/2024

I used to workout 6x a week a few years ago. I even joined marathons like twice or thrice a year. Now that I'm in my 40s, it's really been a challenge being active and having time for workouts (I'm a working mom with 4 kids). So I had to change my routines, and found ways how to squeeze workouts in my schedule. Here's what I did:  1. I made sure to stick with a ...

I will make a commitment to be more active. I have a gym membership and will utilize it more especially to relieve some stress from work.

Added by anguyen2 Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 01/20/2024

walking with the dog is great everyday activity! 

Added by Maja Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 01/12/2024

I will be working on increasing my physical activity. I haven’t been able to exercise as much as I would love to. Exercise has always helped clear my mind and keep me focused. I will dedicate more time to exercise and meditation

Added by Hadeyemi Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 01/02/2024

I have put off self care for about 5 years now since I went to school to be a nurse and started my new job.  I plan to make 2024 the year I focus on my health and wellness.

Added by CozzibearRN Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 01/02/2024

I am committed to moving my body more throughout the day. That could be by walking down the street, doing some light stretching, going for a swim ‍♀️, lifting heavy stuff, or doing a group activity like Zumba or Step.  My overall mental wellbeing is always stronger when I get good clean oxygen flowing through my body. 

Added by Eli (Elina) Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 12/28/2023

When you allot time to be healthy, this means you're doing something for yourself. I make sure I have 20-30 minutes a day to workout and do peloton. I make sure I watch an episode in netflix so I don't feel the time pass by so quickly. 5X of working out a day is a big deal in making your lifestyle better and healthier.

I will walk with my husband and daughter 4 times a week after work. These walks help strengthen our family bond. My husband and I talk to one another and connect deeply. My daughter learns health habits and sees her parents making a commitment to their health and relations ship. She is outside and away from any screen time. My Husband and I are also not on the ...

Added by shehl23 Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 10/23/2023

In Nursing school, everything feels overwhelming at times, and adding one more thing to your load of tasks can be overwhelming. I have committed to moving my body for at least 30 minutes a day to help my mental and physical health. 

I commit to getting more active in my daily life. I plan to do some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. I am committed to staying healthy even if it is just walking to complete this task.

Added by BranB Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 10/15/2023

Over the past few semesters of college, I have been more involved in physical fitness and going to the gym. This is something that makes me feel good, mentally and physically. Over the summer and this semester, I have hardly been going at all. I believe that it is important to re-incorporate this into my routine, especially during my night shift clinical, ...

My commitment is to make sure that I get outside more and get some physical activity in. I would like to go for more walks and make sure that I keep a healthy diet and exercise during the day and keep my heart healthy. I would like to also make sure that my kids come outside with me to make sure I set a good example for them with exercise and getting outside to get ...

Every summer, my cousin and I travel to a new state for rock climbing. Despite this being an annual event, I am committed to staying healthy and continue to climb in an indoor gym every weekend. 

Added by Mario B. Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 10/15/2023

During the summer I joined a YMCA and I was going consistently. However, since school has started I have not been consistent and have barely gone. So, I would like to commit to going to the gym at least once a week, until the end of the semester.

Added by Ari Fuller Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 10/15/2023

I commit to taking my dog on a walk to the park at least once every day so I can get my body moving and enjoy the outdoors and the time I have with my puppy. 

Over the summer I got really good at going to the gym, with night shift clinical I do not want to fall off of the progress I have made. So for my personal commitment statement, I want to commit to going to the gym at least once per week on Sundays to help improve my mental health, my physical health, and my overall wellbeing.

Added by Shyanne Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 10/13/2023

I commit to going on a walk outside at least 3 times a week to improve my physical and mental health. 

Added by Emily Lopez Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 10/12/2023

I commit to spending time at the gym at least once a week before clinicals to help prioritize my physical and mental well being. Whether I get to go with family and friends or just by myself.

Hello, my name is Rhonda and I'm the CEO and Founder of The Health and Wellness Connection, a consortium of services to help the community, customers, and clients of health with coaching, consulting, and restorative health practices.  My commitment for 30 days will be to Walk for Wellness.  I started out by walking 3 miles in the morning with my husband ...

I am making a commitment to myself to do at least 30 minutes of pilates and at least 10 minutes of yoga stretching for flexibility and relaxation at least 3 times per week to start.

Added by Tinytine55 Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 06/20/2023

I am committing to working out 4 days a week for a minimum of 45 minutes per session. Workouts will include high intensity interval training, yoga, and taking my dog on walks. Please send all good core exercises my way!!

Added by heathk4 Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 06/18/2023

1. I will lift weights 2 times per week for 15 minutes.  2. I will practice yoga 1-2 times per week for 15 minutes 3. I will do deep breathing 3-5 times per week. 

Added by T Bird Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 06/13/2023

I commit to at least 3, 20 minute walks with the intention of increasing my physical activity.

During the height of Covid my husband was diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer. After treatment, we decided to devote more of our household/personal budget to health. Because he has a severed nerve from the procedures, we decided to work with a trainer to improve his overall strength. I too signed up for once weekly sessions. At my age (62), I worried about ...

Added by Jan Morgan Blog Commitment to Physical Activity 04/20/2023

Will commit to 6000 steps a. Day.

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Physical Activity
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It isn't easy to find time for healthy eating. On average, nurses consume less fruits, veggies, and whole grains than other Americans. This domain covers recommended guidelines for dietary health, managing diet at work, and overcoming barriers to nutrition.

Mental Health
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Most Recent Comments

you got this! I have been enjoying my evening walks,  it’s has been encouraging seeing and meeting members of my community on the walking trails. It has been very rewarding. I hope you enjoy your walks too.

@Evelyne Great job keeping the hydration goals going!! I hope you enjoy your walks! I too had started with a goal of walking a few days a week and now I'll even get up early to enjoy a morning walk. 

@Rosa77 You've got this! I would recommend adding a little bit to your routine at a time until you get used to it. I started with a 30 minute walk in my mornings, then once that time was part off my schedule, I switched up occasionally what exercise I did during that half hour. 

Great goals to reduce burnout !

@maryamal Excellent commitment!!!