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ANA Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® Blog: Shift the Focus Away From Food 5049

How (and why) to celebrate and reward yourself without food

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 03/04/2025
ANA HEALTHY NURSE, HEALTHY NATION BLOG - Hydration Supplements: Are They Worth the Hype? 4801

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You hear it all the time. But your schedule is so jam-packed, you barely have time for a bathroom break. How are you supposed to chug water all day?

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 07/30/2024
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® Blog - Beyond H2O: Weighing Your Healthy Water Options 4780

Drinking water is a staple of good health. It benefits all areas of your body, including your heart health, digestion, and organ function. But what if the water you drank had superpower and offered more bang for your buck?  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 07/01/2024
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® Blog - Balanced Bites: How Nurses Can Master Eating in Moderation 4679

I tried a restrictive diet that cut out my favorite foods, but as soon as I started eating salty or sugary snacks that I love again, I found myself back at square one. While restricting certain foods is the most common type of diet, research shows it’s not effective in the long run. Restrictive diets often lead to short-term weight loss followed by ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 03/05/2024
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® Blog -  Quick, Healthy Meals for Night Shift Nurses 4673

Shift work is critical for continuity of care in many health care settings. But working the night shift can take a toll. A 2021 study found that nurses who work the night shift tend to be less active, experience poorer sleep quality, and less satisfied with life than nurses who work days.  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 02/21/2024
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog -  Get Your Fill With Plant-Based Foods 4666

Anyone who complains that a plant-based diet isn’t filling may not be eating the right plant-based foods. No matter what you’re eating, feeling full often has more to do with satiety — feeling comfortably full and no longer hungry — than simply filling your belly. Blog 3 in our Plant-Based Food Series!

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 02/14/2024
ANA HEALTHY NURSE, HEALTHY NATION BLOG - Nurses' Guide to Recognizing and Addressing Eating Disorders 4659

When most people think of eating disorders, conditions like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa may come to mind. But two lesser known (and underdiscussed) conditions include binge eating disorder (BED) and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) .  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 02/05/2024
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - The Pros and Cons of Popular Dietary Supplements 4636

Warning: The CDC cautions all those pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant to discuss all medicines with your healthcare provider including OTC meds, herbal and dietary supplements, and vitamins. Learn more . Additional Warning:  The FDA does not regulate dietary supplements. There is often conflicting research on whether certain ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 01/10/2024
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 7 Tips for Making and Enjoying Plant-Forward Food That Feeds Your Soul 4622

Plant-based eating provides incredible health benefits . But the challenge for many — especially during the holidays — is enjoying the beloved cultural dishes of your heritage while sticking to a plant-forward diet. Blog 2 in our Plant-Based Food Series!  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 12/18/2023
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Health Benefits of Eating Whole-Plant Foods 4596

Your diet is an essential part of healthy living. What you eat can determine how your body grows, functions, and protects itself.  Blog 1 in our Plant-Based Food Series!  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 11/07/2023
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Turn To Tea For An Assist With Hydration 4480

As we gear up for the Hack Your Hydration Challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare, this is the perfect time to discover more about tea. If you already drink it on a regular basis — great! If you don’t, maybe you’ll decide to incorporate a cup or 2 into your daily routine.

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 06/27/2023
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Jumpstart Your Day With Veggies 4466

Most people understand why they should eat vegetables every day — they’re loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. But you may not realize that when you eat your veggies can make a difference. Packing veggies into your breakfast can impact how you feel and how much you eat that day.  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 05/24/2023
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 14+ Healthy Food Substitutions For More Mindful Meals 4338

Do you know much about the food you’re putting into your body? Like how processed it is and what kind of nutrients it contains? Do you choose certain foods simply because they taste good, or do you choose foods because of how healthy they are?  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 02/28/2023
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Strategies For Preventing Diabetes & More 4277

More than 130 million American adults live with diabetes or prediabetes — and nurses help all those people prevent or manage diabetes. But knowing how to lower the risk of diabetes doesn’t necessarily mean you’re taking those actions yourself.  

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 11/10/2022
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Children Living With Obesity 4275

Authors:   Elizabeth Coleman, MSN, CRNP, CPNP-PC, Nursing Instructor &  Loretta T. Lee, PhD, CRNP, FNP-BC, CNE, Associate Professor and  Department Vice Chair Family, Community & Health Systems at the UAB School of Nursing,  University of Alabama at Birmingham Ms. Coleman is pictured below.

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 10/31/2022
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Understanding Food Labels To Go Green And Eat Clean 4274

Have you ever stopped to read the nutrition labels on foods in the grocery store? Do you see words like humanely raised, grassfed, or cage-free? And if so, do you know what they mean?

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 10/31/2022
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Debunking 4 Common Hydration Myths 4206

Let’s talk about water. You know it’s a vital nutrient for every cell in your body. You know hydration plays a crucial role in health, like helping to regulate internal body temperature and lubricating joints. But how much of what you know about hydration is the truth? And how much is misinformation that’s been spread around society through social media ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 07/07/2022
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Try A New, Hydrating Recipe From Compass One Healthcare! 4181

You can hack your hydration in ways beyond drinking water. Experts recommend that 80% of fluid intake comes liquids.  However, the remaining amount may come from foods that you are already eating. Today, try one of these recipes loaded with refreshing, hydrating ingredients! Want to easily print these recipes? Download the recipes by clicking on the ...

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Nurses Obesity Network Announcement Release: Leading Nursing Organizations Launch Coalition To Address  Challenges Of Obesity Within Nursing Community And Beyond 4165

 Date Issued: April 27 Nurses Obesity Network will engage, support, and activate nurses nationwide as patients living with obesity, caregivers, and advocates calling for better care across diverse communities. Washington, D.C. — In recognition of National Minority Health Month , members of the leading nurse advocacy organizations are joining ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 05/03/2022
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Make Healthy Substitutions, Powered By Compass One Healthcare 4058

This holiday season, get more cauliflower into your diet by substituting it for starches in common recipes. Here are two holiday favorite recipes that incorporate cauliflower. What are your favorite healthy substitutions for ingredients in common recipes? Join us in a discussion in the Healthy Holidays challenge powered by Compass One Healthcare ...

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Fall Recipe And Meal Planning Ideas For Busy Nurses 4029

The COVID-19 pandemic creates upheaval for many nurses. Those who aren’t in patient care settings probably worked from home most of the past year. Children were also home doing virtual school. Now school is back in session for the fall. What better time to get organized with a meal planning strategy and new homecooked recipes? Your life is already busy — ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 09/23/2021
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Is Your Hydration Lagging Behind This Summer? 4007

Did you know your muscles and kidneys are 79% water? Your skin is 64% water, and 83% of your lungs are made of water, says the USGS Water Science School . You are what you drink — or at least that’s kind of the case with water. But when the blazing hot summer months hit (like now), it can be difficult to drink enough fluids. Are you giving your body the hydration it ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 08/16/2021
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Improve Your Blood Sugar Levels To Improve Your Health 3869

DISCLAIMER:   The content provided on this webpage is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.  This webpage is for reference only.  Always consult with a qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding your health. Do you have diabetes, or are you at risk for developing it? Your blood sugar levels are a good ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 11/12/2020
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - How Registered Dietitians And Nurses Are Collaborating To Fight Malnutrition 3826

Registered Dietitians (RDs) at Morrison Healthcare agree that nurses are their greatest ally in fighting malnutrition. To improve patient health, several RDs are taking creative steps to make it easier for nurses to help identify malnutrition and enlist RDs in this battle.  “Nurses are our partners, but they often have a lot on their plates, and ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 10/05/2020
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Food & Nutrition Services And Nursing: Why Collaboration Is Key 3811

Food & Nutrition Services and Nursing might be considered separate departments, but both are more successful when they join forces. That’s because both have one goal in mind: patient well-being. Both want the patient to leave the hospital feeling good about their experience. Nutritious and delicious food is one way to create a positive experience ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 09/02/2020
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Use The Latest Food Trends As A Model For Healthy Eating 3599

Eat healthy. Sounds simple, right? For many people, it’s not that easy. With all of the sugary, fatty, processed foods lining grocery store aisles, it’s easy to give in to temptation. Some of us require more insight into what healthy eating looks like — and that’s OK! 81% of people try to eat healthy and pay attention to their nutrition, according to a ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 03/03/2020
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Why Is It Hard To Eat Healthy? 3576

By Heather Moreno Nutrition is a key, controllable factor affecting our health. But sadly, the CDC reports that most Americans don’t eat a healthy diet. Allowing for barriers to education and access to nutritious food, there’s still an alarming number of well-informed adults who eat poorly. Why doesn’t information equal healthy eating? There’s no ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 02/10/2020
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 3 Simple And Easy Ways To Eat Healthy And Curb Cravings While Working Night Shift 3504

By Vanessa S. Elliott   It’s 4 am and you are nearing the end of your 12-hour shift, when your stomach starts growling and the first thing you grab are the crackers in the patient pantry. You have one pack, with hopes that you will be okay, but then suddenly you have downed 5 packs and washed it down with a soda. Then you say to yourself, “Well, there goes my ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 10/30/2019
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - What’s The Buzz About The Ketogenic Diet? 3207

What is it?   This is a diet consisting of larger amount of fats, moderate amount of proteins and extremely low carbohydrate consumption.  Twenty to fifty grams of carbs or less are consumed daily.   (For context, there are 25 grams of carbohydrates in an apple and about 50 grams in a bagel). Reduced carbohydrate intake puts the body in a state of ketosis ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 03/14/2019
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - One Simple And Healthy Change For A Healthier New Year 3062

By Angela Amico, MPH, Senior Policy Associate for the Center for Science in the Public Interest This time of the year, my friends and family are sharing their New Year’s resolutions. One resolution comes up again and again: to eat better. But in our food environment, eating healthy is like trudging through deep snow—it’s exhausting. Think about where ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 01/29/2019
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Healthy Holiday Recipe Swaps 2378

Lighten up your holiday spread while keeping tradition and flavor alive. As the holiday season approaches, you’re probably looking forward to indulging in the classic recipes (sweet potato casserole, buttery cookies, and creamy gravy to name a few). You might think that allowing yourself to have these special dishes will derail your health goals. ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 11/05/2018
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 5 Food Pairings To Give Your Meals A Nutrition Boost 2223

There are some foods combinations that just seem to go together perfectly. And we’re not talking about chocolate and peanut butter (although that is a delicious combo). The food pairings below increase the nutrients your body absorbs, making your meals healthier with no extra effort. Try these pairings, along with a healthy recipe that uses both ...

Added by Holly E Carpenter, RN, BSN Blog Nutrition 10/11/2018
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 10 Healthy At-Home Convenience Foods 1194

Skip the store and whip up these foods in your own kitchen for tastier, healthier, and cheaper fare.

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Host Healthier Meetings: A How To Guide 1175

Give meetings and conferences a health boost with these tips.   

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Power Up With Protein! 1118

Make these tweaks to your meals and snacks to stay energized throughout the day. 

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 7 Ways To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays 798

7 strategies for maintaining good-for-you habits between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.   

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 5 Easy And Nutritious Dinners For Busy Nurses 683

These quick and healthy meals are simple enough to whip up even after a long shift.  

Added by Aieda Solomon Blog Nutrition 10/11/2017
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - One Bite At A Time: Better Nutrition For Nurses 471

A balanced diet is a critical piece of the health picture. Unfortunately, many nurses face an uphill battle when it comes to eating right.

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Stay Hydrated On The Job 376

We ensure our patients drink enough fluids, but we don’t do the same for ourselves. Cardiac Clinical Nurse Specialist Nurse Alice Benjamin explains how to stay hydrated at work.

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Simple Healthy Breakfast Ideas 170

Nine suggestions for a simple and healthy morning meal to start your day off right. 

Added by Aieda Solomon Blog Nutrition 07/12/2017
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - 15 Easy Ways To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables Every Day 145

Try these 15 simple tweaks to up your fruit and veggie intake.  

Added by Aieda Solomon Blog Nutrition 07/10/2017
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Healthy Tactics To Overcome Emotional Eating 33

As nurses, too often we are dealing with multiple emotions in a given day. Things at work and at home can be stressful and those  high-calorie treats  from coworkers or patients are just so readily available, that we hardly notice overindulgence. Before you reach for that feel good confection , try these strategies from other nurses!  

Added by Aieda Solomon Blog Nutrition 05/24/2017

Explore Other Blogs By Domain

Your safety matters. This domain covers a wide range of topics - from staying alert at the wheel to safe patient handling and mobility.

Rest breaks and healthy sleep are not only restorative - but are key to your health and to providing safe patient care. This domain addresses strategies and guidelines for restorative sleep, workplace breaks and napping, and managing shift work.

Quality of Life
Your work, home life, family, and other commitments frequently compete for your time and attention. This domain focuses on the elements that improve the quality and balance of your life including your physical, financial, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Physical Activity
Nurses are often on their feet all day but fall short of recommended national guidelines for physical exercise. This domain includes strategies for overcoming barriers for guidelines and meeting exercise guidelines.

It isn't easy to find time for healthy eating. On average, nurses consume less fruits, veggies, and whole grains than other Americans. This domain covers recommended guidelines for dietary health, managing diet at work, and overcoming barriers to nutrition.

Mental Health
The nature and stresses of the nursing profession can take a toll on your mental health. This domain deals with your psychological affect and health. Mental wellbeing practices, stress relief resources, and personal stories are just some of the assets included here.

Most Recent Comments

Wow ? thank you for this amazing tips ❤️

Loved these recipes! Healthy + yummy = happy nurse :)

Love the synergistic pairings

Wow! Its great idea. Unknowingly I was eating this kind of pairing food. I love to eat salad mixing with avocado, tomatoes, boiled egg in different kind of fresh green leaves. When I make pickle, I sprinkle pepper and turmeric in avocado tomato and cilantro mixed fresh pickle. Thank you for sharing this blog.

@Virda Swales, BSN Sounds like a happy medium!