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Congratulations! You've taken on the challenge to better health. Now take it one step further & post a commitment about something you want to improve in your life. Share your commitment & why you are motivated to stick to it. Take it a step further and include a photo that inspires you! Want to challenge others to do the same? Click on the social media icon in your commitment and tag us and a #healthynurse.

Member Commitments

Walking 4800

I am committed to walking for 30 minutes three times a week. I have spent the last two years working full time while going to school and doing clinicals and raising kids and all the things. I have finally graduated!! Woohoo!! And I am ready to give myself back some "me time" by adding back the walking that I used to really enjoy.

Physical health 4799

I will stay hydrated by drinking at-least 8 cups of water daily.I will walk 2-3 miles on my days off to promote my physical health.

Added by Evelyne
Blog Commitment to Physical Activity
My commitment 4798

I commit to staying hydrated to promote my health and breast milk production. I will prioritize drinking 16 cups (128oz) of water daily.

Added by Saltyrn
Blog Commitment to Nutrition
Allyson Adams: Wellness Commitment 4796

I commit to find time for my hobbies to help me with my mental health. Hobbies allow me to clear my head and take a refreshed breath. I enjoy training with my dog and we recently started doing agility training. Not only does this help me with my mental health but it also allows me to fit in some physical activity that I don't dread or have to convince myself to do. ...

Added by AllyAdams
Blog Commitment to Mental Health
New RN 4793

I've officially finished school and working as a RN now. My goal for the next year is to start being more active, I want to start working out and make better eating habits.

Added by Rosa77
Blog Commitment to Physical Activity
Caroline Sims, RN Commitment 4791

I commit to purposefully moving my body for at least 30 minutes everyday. Whether it be a walk with my husband and our two dogs, or getting to the gym for a run and lifting session, this is a method of self care for me that I want to prioritize in this busy season of life of pursuing a higher degree and beginning a new RN position. 

Workplace Violence 4774

Nurses may experience verbal, physical, or emotional abuse from patients, their families, or even colleagues, which can contribute to a negative work environment.

Added by Mutaz Bani Hani
Blog Commitment to Safety
Stress 4772

Devotional prayers before work Let go of being on all committees Recognize when mental health time off is needed Schedule time to reflect and quiet mind Deb Stuart OR nurse

Added by DebStuart
Blog Commitment to Mental Health
Commitment to health 4770

I commit to putting my health as a priority over work. This includes doing daily yoga in the morning and a light jog also going to the gym daily. I will commit to eating healthy for the sake of longevity and will not consume alcohol to alleviate my stress.

Added by Chris Doe
Blog Commitment to Rest
Week 1 Challenge-self 4768

Will do strengthening exercise 10 minutes daily and walking 30 minutes four days a week 

Added by maryamal
Blog Commitment to Physical Activity
Physical Activity 4764

I will engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise at least 4 days/week

Commitment to Healing through Plant-based Nutrition 4761 I can’t say enough about the powerful impact Whole Plant-based foods and lifestyle training impacted my personal health ie preventing families history diabetes and heart disease etc in past decade! Best of all it’s been win:win for patients with diabetes optimize both their ...