Take A Break! It's Good For You.

Our May Make Time For Yourself Challenge and The Case for Taking a Break blog has helped me realize that I want to make a commitment to taking a break at least once during the workday. Even if it's for 5-10 minutes. There is such a thing as being too focused at work. I have a tendancy to go through a day without taking a moment to pause. We need to tell ourselves it's okay to take a moment and breathe. It's good for us to replenish and focus on you for a moment before getting back to work. Take this time to have a walk around another floor or around the block if it's nice out or journal, do some stretches... whatever you need.
Blog Commitment to Rest
05/24/2017 11:14pm CDT
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Taking time to make a hot cup of tea makes me go to the next office to use their microwave. The H2O is refrigerated so it takes 3 minutes to heat it. I visit with the other faculty during this time. This doesn't happen every day d/t my class teaching schedule, but it is something I look forward to.