Weekend warriors

My husband and I are both nurses and both teach at school. We have 4 kids and the whole week is just pretty busy. Because of this, we decide to be "Weekend warriors". Whether it be an airbnb weekend in a small town 2 hours away, or a visit to the nearest theme park. We just make sure to spend good quality family time together! 
Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 11/22/2023 1:26am CST

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ChristiM ChristiM Nov '23

@HonorHealthSciences MrsChanRN That is wonderful! Keeping family time a priority and knowing when/how to do it is so important!

yes it's a been a challenge but I always think the kids grow up too fAst so spending quality time is really important. Happy Thanksgiving!


Commitment to Quality of Life
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Commitment to Quality of Life
