When Nurses Become Patients Challenge 78
When Nurses Become Patients Challenge

What happens when the caregiver becomes the one in need of care?

This role reversal isn’t easy. That's why we're launching the When Nurses Become Patients Challenge.

The goal? To help you navigate what may seem unnatural to you — being a patient — when you're so used to being the one providing care.

Over the next 10 days, we'll explore topics like managing the anxiety of knowing too much, quieting the "what-ifs" in your mind, and even whether to reveal your nursing background to your own health care team. We'll offer practical tips, empathetic support, and a safe space to share your experiences.

Are you in? Get ready to discover how to be a better patient while taking better care of yourself. After all, you deserve the same level of care and compassion you give to others every day.

Let’s get started! Join us! Click "Yes," under "Ready to Join?" to get started. Invite a #healthynurse you know or share the challenge on your social media by clicking the links on this page.

This challenge begins August 19, 2024.

Date & Time
Monday August 19th, 2024
End Date & Time
Friday August 30th, 2024

How are you doing in the challenge?


I got a late start on this. Even so, it’s given me a lot to think about. I don’t like being a patient, but try to be a ”good” one although my providers may not feel that way because I question recommendations & if I have research from a credible source, I don’t always agree or follow through with recommendations. I do what in my mind & heart feel is best for me.

I like today’s topic on Gratitude. A couple came to our church a number of years ago & gave a talk on gratitude & about keeping a gratitude journal. Their recommendation was to write, each day, 10 things you are grateful for. In addition to that we also had to write 10 things we did that day that we really didn’t want to do. It was an interesting exercise & I stuck with it for a number of months. For me, I think it helped me to change my mindset as I tend to view & ruminate on what could be better as opposed to being grateful for what I have. I’m interested to hear if others have done an exercise like this & how it worked for them.

Annnoel Annnoel Aug '24

Taking time for myself and started walking regularly.

I started to take a walk once a week in my neighborhood. I also started to drink 6 glasses of water daily.

DebStuart DebStuart Aug '24

I cut my hand at work on a scalpel and was taken to the ER the nurse advocated for me to have time off to heal after stitches and not immediately return to work I was humbled and was reminded of advocate

I started increasing my water intake in mid April and am now up to at least 80oz a day. I've changed my Pepsi to Pepsi Zero and have only 2 - 12-16 oz bottles on days I work (3-4 days per week). I've lost 52lbs since January 2024 by eating healthier & increasing my water.

I struggle with depression & anxiety and I find myself not able to get out of bed somedays or the house often. I have crippling fear of leaving the house frequently. I believe this stems from such a toxic work environment. I have been an RN for 26 years and never have I felt so dismissed and degraded at work in my career. Since Covid my depression & anxiety has increased and my joy of being an RN has diminished. I'm not sure I wish to continue being a nurse much longer and often think of finding a different career path but I've been in the medical field for over 40 years and know nothing else.

ChristiM ChristiM Aug '24

@EthiOkieNurse Congrats on your physical health progress!! I hope your mental well-being improves and you find a good solution for your career progression!

deepac deepac Aug '24

I have started drinking more water and less sugar drink.

Jace44 Jace44 Aug '24

I have been increasing my daily walks and I am trying to learn to not be intimidated by gym equipment. Getting back into journaling and having a daily routine which allows for some reflection and self care. I feel appreciative for the ideas in this platform and being able to share.

Jace44 Jace44 Aug '24


I signed up for challange but have not received any emails…

ChristiM ChristiM Aug '24

@Jace44 Only one goes out each day. Here's the link to Day 1 if you just signed up.


For my self care I'm going back to the gym 6 days a week and walking with my kids after dinner each night.🌞

In order for me to a better clinician, I intend to better my physical and mental health in a way I expect my patients to be. I have started meditating through an app offered at our workplace that has helped calm my mind after busy shifts. I have increased my walking steps, going for morning jogs and increasing cardio at the gym. Finally, to make myself a better “patient” I have also tracked my nutrition, making sure I have a well balanced diet.

ChristiM ChristiM Aug '24

@jjrodriguez these are all great! You're going to feel so much better!

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