When Nurses Become Patients Challenge 78
When Nurses Become Patients Challenge

What happens when the caregiver becomes the one in need of care?

This role reversal isn’t easy. That's why we're launching the When Nurses Become Patients Challenge.

The goal? To help you navigate what may seem unnatural to you — being a patient — when you're so used to being the one providing care.

Over the next 10 days, we'll explore topics like managing the anxiety of knowing too much, quieting the "what-ifs" in your mind, and even whether to reveal your nursing background to your own health care team. We'll offer practical tips, empathetic support, and a safe space to share your experiences.

Are you in? Get ready to discover how to be a better patient while taking better care of yourself. After all, you deserve the same level of care and compassion you give to others every day.

Let’s get started! Join us! Click "Yes," under "Ready to Join?" to get started. Invite a #healthynurse you know or share the challenge on your social media by clicking the links on this page.

This challenge begins August 19, 2024.

Date & Time
Monday August 19th, 2024
End Date & Time
Friday August 30th, 2024

How are you doing in the challenge?

Dragon Dragon Sep '23

I found this challenge incredibly helpful and inspiring. Self care is extremely important and now I have more tools to achieve it because of this challenge. Thank you. 

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

@Dragon Make sure to check out the October challenge too, Level Up Challenge, sponsored by Humana!  We'll try to stretch our healthy habits!

welshcrn welshcrn Sep '23

I had planned on increasing my walking distance to reach 100 miles per month (I had done this last year for the St. Jude's challenge and wanted to get back to that on a regular basis). Due to problems with my left after surgery, I am cutting back on that. Instead, I am beginning a new goal of increasing my water intake to a minimum of 70oz per day. 

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

@welshcrn Great modification!! You've got this and I hope your leg heals quickly!

Dragon Dragon Sep '23

I plan to lose weight. 1# per week. 

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

Good goal @Dragon! Make sure to check out the day 3 info page for suggestions on how to make your plan and get it into action!

Karol Karol Sep '23

Hi Everyone.  I  am going to start moving again.  To start just 10 minutes 3x a week and add 2 minutes every week.

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

@Karol That's awesome! You've got this!

For my self care challenge, I am going to stop eating any foods other than fruit after 8pm daily 

great idea!! I am going to steal this one! thank you

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

Great choice!

jprahmRN jprahmRN Sep '23

For my self care challenge I am going to commit to increasing my sleep to 8 hours by going to bed earlier. 

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

I need to do this too! It makes such an impact!


Estoy incorporando un par de manzanas en la dieta diaria y estoy haciendo un poco de ejercicio con mi música favorita.  Poco a poco 😊

ChristiM ChristiM Sep '23

@JORDIX Fantastico! Every little bit helps! 

Spots Spots Aug '23

I am making sure I take my lunch away from my desk. 

ChristiM ChristiM Aug '23

@Spots Good for you! Making sure to step away for breaks is so important!

rdeal rdeal Aug '22

I started taking a dance class. So  much fun!


ChristiM ChristiM Aug '22

@rdeal That's awesome! What kind of dance?

Carol D Carol D Jun '22

I celebrated getting exercise in after work and before making dinner! 

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