Hack Your Hydration Challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare 21
Hack Your Hydration Challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare

A career in nursing leaves little room for error. Every day, no matter how you feel physically or mentally, you have to be on top of your game. Patients rely on you. No pressure, right? 


If there's one thing that can easily impact your effectiveness as a nurse, it's hydration. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can cause: 

  • Anxiety 
  • Increased reaction time 
  • Moodiness 
  • Poor concentration  
  • Short-term memory problems 

With the scorching summer heat in full swing, staying hydrated is more important than ever. That's why we're launching the Hack Your Hydration Challenge — 10 days dedicated to nourishing your body with water. Once per day, you'll get a new tip to help you stay hydrated no matter what your schedule looks like.  


Are you ready to go? Join us for this challenge and discover the difference proper hydration can have on your mood, resilience, and overall health. Starts July 8. 



PLEASE NOTE: Do not eat or drink where blood, potentially infectious material, or toxic substances may be present. This may contaminate work surfaces and is especially crucial in health care settings. Consult these OSHA regulations concerning bloodborne pathogens and general environmental controls. Also refer to your employer’s infection control policies for guidance on food and drink consumption and storage at work. 


Powered by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare 



Date & Time
Monday July 8th, 2024
End Date & Time
Friday July 19th, 2024

How are you doing in the challenge?


Great challenge for me. I was able to meet most of my goals!

Great job @William Carr

I did fairly well with this challenge. I did go one day without having any water. The hydrated me feels more focused and my I have a positive shift in energy.

I am terrible with drinking water. Today I finished my 20oz before noon! Small steps. 

Baby steps is the way to go! You got this! 

@Kathy Tice Great job!!

Well done! That’s a great achievement. 

I tend to drink mostly water throughout the day but now that we are in our survey window we are to lock up our drinks. Out of site out of mind definitely becomes a reality. Some days I may go from 3 40oz bottles at work to 1 because I just forget. I spend all evening making up for it. My water intake is very important, so I feel obligated to complete the daily amount before bed.

@MindOverMatter1980 Great work! You show awesome commitment!!

I floated to a unit where we were allowed to have our water bottle at the nurses station and that alone was a HUGE difference. It is crazy how little water I drink during a regular shift, because my home unit does not allow drinks by our station. 

Am glad your floating to another unit  boosted your water intake. 

I got a bunch of zucchini for my lunches this week! They're like 94% water!

Good idea. I never thought to being Zucchini to work. I will bring cucumber to eat sometimes. 

@Evelyne I just spray a pan, cut the zucchini kind of thick, spray them, add my favorite seasoning for the day then broil for a few minutes! Quick and easy!

Well done, I will try eating Zucchini  that to boost my water intake this week.

I will be more diligent in keeping track of my water intake

@Virda Swales, BSN You've got this! Day 3 has ideas for tracking your water!

I have been diligent in keeping my water intake at work by ensuring my water bottle is filled at the start of shift and finished my the end of the shift.  It is roughly a liter of water per shift. 

@jjrodriguez that's a great idea!

Job well done! that's a deliberate way of keeping track of you water intake. 

Joining this challenge has helped me to be more intentional on my water intake. Using my hydration cup has been helpful in improving my water intake. 

@Evelyne what kind of cup do you use?

Just filled my cup up for the second time today! I am grateful for this challenge so I can be more mindful and intentional.

Way to go !!!

@KEdwards08 You've got this!

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