ANA Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® Spotlight: Kieren Wilson, BSN, RN, CPC 5053

ANA Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® Spotlight: Kieren Wilson, BSN, RN, CPC


Faced with a health crisis, nurse takes control of her well-being and changes her life

As nurse theorist and professor Jean Watson once said, “Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw.”

It’s no secret that nurses tend to prioritize the well-being of others over themselves. A report from American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation® found that 7 out of 10 nurses put others' needs first. Unfortunately, this selflessness often impacts a nurse’s own health and well-being.

#healthynurse Kieren Wilson, a nurse with Humana and adjunct faculty member at the American Institute for Alternative Medicine, learned this firsthand. Kieren has dedicated her life and career to service. For her, serving others in their time of need is deeply fulfilling. “Creating a connection with someone who needs you is the best part of nursing,” she says.

Life Throws a Curveball
For years, Kieren relished her roles as a nurse, wife, and mother. Always busy caring for others, Kieren didn’t think twice about putting herself last. “When our (nurses’) training and profession revolve around serving others, it’s easy for us to forget about ourselves. And that mentality carries over into our personal lives, too.”

In 2017, Kieren was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. She initially managed the condition with dietary changes, but a few years later her life took a dramatic turn.

“I went through a very difficult, tumultuous divorce,” she says. “My world turned upside down. I lost my identity. I was no longer someone’s wife, and I only had my son 50% of the time. Life changed drastically, and I just didn’t know how to handle it.”

The Point of No Return
The mental and emotional strain of divorce took a toll on Kieren’s physical health. “I stopped taking care of myself. I wasn’t eating well or working out.”

In July 2019, Kieren found herself hospitalized with severe pneumonia and an allergic reaction to antibiotics. While in the hospital, she discovered her A1C was over 11%.

“I was a mess from head to toe,” Kieren recalls. “That day was a wake-up call for me. I had to decide — was I going to continue in this direction or take a new path toward wellness?”

A Self-Care Journey Begins
Kieren’s hospitalization was the catalyst she needed to make a positive change. “I decided I was worth it,” she says. “I realized my son still needed me and I still had value, even if my roles and circumstances were different.”

Kieren started with a commitment to her physical health. She began working out regularly with an accountability partner. “That was a lifesaver for me,” she says. “The gym became my place to work off stress, focus on myself, and spend time with one of my best friends. It really filled my bucket.”

She also addressed lingering health issues under the care of her physician and learned to prioritize her mental health and spiritual well-being.

“I began therapy, and that’s when I really started to understand that physical, mental, and emotional health are interconnected,” she says.

Sharing the Lessons With Others
Kieren’s efforts paid off. Today, she no longer needs most of her diabetes medications. “My A1C is in the normal range, and I’ve lost 45 pounds,” she says. “Mentally and physically, I feel like a different person. I have a sense of peace and contentment I’ve never had before.”

Success on her health journey inspired Kieren to share wellness tips and resources with her coworkers. “In 2022, I started writing a newsletter called The Wellness Corner for my small team at work. It highlighted health observances, healthy recipes, interesting facts, and company wellness offerings,” she says.

The newsletter was a hit. “A director heard about it, and asked if I could add her team to my distribution,” Kieren says. “It snowballed from there. What started as a little communication to 10 coworkers now gets sent to hundreds of people within Humana. This platform is something I deeply enjoy. Seeing the positive impact makes it all worth it.”

Leading Health and Wellness Initiatives
Kieren’s newsletter was just the beginning of her new identity as a wellness leader. In 2023, she became a Humana Well-Being Champion where she helps with organizing activities like recharge breaks, walking initiatives, and volunteer efforts.

She also spent 7 months as a co-leader within Humana’s SALUTE network resource group (NRG). SALUTE supports Humana members who are in or associated with the military. “I helped facilitate the launch of Face the Fight, an initiative founded by USAA to raise awareness and help stop the stigma of suicide for veterans. That initiative was very near to my heart, knowing the impact depression has on so many veterans,” she says.

Hope for the Future is the Key to Healing
Reflecting on her journey, Kieren says finding hope for a new and better future was key to her success. “For a long time, I couldn’t feel that hope,” she says. “Every dream I had for the future involved a family unit that didn’t exist anymore. I needed to discover and define who I was as a person outside of a specific role. Putting that effort into myself helped me change direction.”

Kieren plans to continue helping herself and others in the health care industry maintain balance and prioritize self-care. “I’ve learned that if we don’t care for ourselves, we can’t effectively care for others. We must invest in our health and find balance amidst life’s chaos.”

Kieren Wilson, BSN, RN, CPC, is a Humana nurse and an adjunct faculty member at the American Institute for Alternative Medicine.

Have you made positive changes that impacted your mental and physical health? Share your #healthynurse story in the comments!


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Blog #healthynurse Spotlight 03/05/2025 1:25pm CST

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#healthynurse Spotlight
171 Posts 11
The #healthynurse Spotlight is a shout out to nurses who are making changes in their lives to improve their health and wellness. You can too! Read their stories for inspiration here.
