Better Nutrition Challenge

I commit to increasing the number of vegetable servings I eat each day!
Blog Commitment to Nutrition 06/30/2017 8:06am CDT

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Plan to cook 7 days/week, using food from my garden and locally grown foods as much as possible.
Hi Mary McCright‍, it looks like Carol Wayner‍ is committed to eating more vegetables too! 
Maybe you two can work together to motivate each other and share tips! 

One of my biggest tips to eating more veggies is try to incorporate them into other things you are eating. For example, instead of eating plain steamed broccoli, add it to a summer pasta salad. 
Or add chopped peppers into an omelet. I also blend spinach or kale into my shakes. I don't even taste it. 
This was an area that showed up in my heat map as needing improvement also. Will be watching for any great tips
Are there any particular veggies that you like more of? This is a great challenge for everyone!


Commitment to Nutrition
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Commitment to Nutrition
