Committing To Work/Life Balance With Better Outlets For Destressing 4230

Committing To Work/Life Balance With Better Outlets For Destressing

I am committing to a better work life balance professionally working on chart/log goals on the go and destressing activities to put my hamster wheel mind at ease in hopes to gain mroe quality time, sleep, and feel more energetic and fulfilled during my workdays of travel and patient and clinician visits. I imagine there are a few out there that can relate :)  My first and best choice in committing started with a cheap fitbit type watch that tracked sleep - and around two weeks in I was constantly challenging myself for better rest at night after seeing the non-consistent 6 hours here, 7 there, 5.5 here, 6 there. Well, the cheap watch fell off my wrist easily and after a loud crunch and putting my jeep in reverse, I cringed at the site of my lost progress... 😂 - I was too attached to this new management of self type initiative so I looked online for new watches and it turned out my phone plan offered a discounted rate on an apple watch - and with velcro bands for scatterbrains like me! This has been pivotal to start this commitment to myself but it is just the start. I am committing to a better work life balance by trying to chart/log as I go in the field even if just partially so that I'm not stuck in catch up-mode in the evenings, losing time from my pets and spouse / relaxation time. And instead of browsing social media or watching mindless shows - doing more therapeutic destressing activities like gratitude journal for the day; reading one of the helpful blogs on this site or picking up a hardback book to read to put my hamster wheel mind at ease in hopes to raise those 6s and 7s to 8s and feel more energetic and fulfilled during my workdays of travel and patient and clinician visits. I imagine there are a few out there that can relate :) 
Blog Commitment to Rest 09/13/2022 10:10am CDT

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