Take Back your Morning 30

Take Back your Morning

Are mornings hectic at your house like they are at mine?
The last thing I have time for most mornings are exercise or to prepare healthy food for the day.

I used to get up an hour before the kids EVERY MORNING! It was great! Then I felll out of the habit and now my morning are not so great.
During this hour I would exercise for 20-30 minutes, take like 5-10 minutes to sit in silence and make affirmations for the day.

Does anyone want to make a commitment with me to "take back your morning"
I want people I can check in with to ask how their morning went and see if they notice an improvement in how their day goes.
As nurses, we NEED to take care of ourselves first.

Who wants to join me?
Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 05/18/2017 1:33pm CDT

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I wish I could say I'm sticking to the plan, but I will be lying. I need to recommit too! I'm planning every day, but for whatever reason plans don't work out...
I was doing so well but I have fallen off the wagon the past few weeks! I am recommiting! 
How are you guys doing Mariam Jean‍, Mary Clarke‍ and Jaime Dawson‍ 
Exactly Mariam Jean‍!
I hit snooze a few too many times this morning so no exercise. I am feeling it this afternoon. I am dragging big time!
Back at it tomorrow!
I'm in. Mornings determine how your day will go. Let's take them back!!!!!
Day 2 in a row of waking up and working out! Feeling great! 
I am in also.


Commitment to Quality of Life
387 Posts 1k
Commitment to Quality of Life
