Stress Reduction That Lasts With EFT 3882

Stress Reduction That Lasts With EFT

Nursing is a high stress profession.  

There are many tools that can be used to calm yourself, but what can you do that gives you fast results and is long-lasting?  EFT, also known as Tapping.  EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and that is exactly what it does - frees you from the emotions that are causing stress and other wellness problems.

EFT can be used in the short term to de-stress in the moment, or it can be used for deeper work to identify why you have a stress reaction to a given situation when someone else is cool as a cucumber!  It gets to the roots fast and can create a shift in your perspective that reduces or eliminates your trigger reactions.

How great is that?

I would love to help you begin the stress healing process.  Contact me at to learn more and schedule a free, phone consultation.

In Wellness,

Christine Hunt

Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 12/07/2020 11:34am CST

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Darbs Darbs Jan '21
The tapping Solution App is free to Nurses until March


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Commitment to Quality of Life
