Quality of life

There's always room for improvement in the quality of our lives.  Committing to making just small changes to my thinking and my usual behavior is my goal this year.
I'm usually a very positive person but sometimes I let a person at work ruin my day. I will change my thinking about that person and not focus on his negative behavior. 
Blog Commitment to Quality of Life 01/03/2018 8:17am CST

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Hi Eileen...I love your goal.  It takes us looking inside and realizing we are in charge of our happiness and of how we react to things.  Being mindful of this helps in not letting that person ruin your day.  For me, sometimes it's harder to take the emotion out of it, but I will be practicing!  Here's to a happier self!


Commitment to Quality of Life
387 Posts 1k
Commitment to Quality of Life
