Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series -  The Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy | International Nurse Coach® Association  (INCA) 2180

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series - The Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy | International Nurse Coach® Association (INCA)

The International Nurse Coach Association (INCA) is thrilled to be a Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation
Champion Partner. To have a healthy nation, we need healthy nurses, as they are the sustaining anchors for how every hospital, clinic, and community functions. Without nurses the health of humanity would collapse.

Founded in 2010, the INCA, an educational association, launched the Integrative Nurse Coach Certificate Program (INCCP); we begin our 27th cohort in early 2019. Our INCCPs are held in retreat settings to explore Integrative Nurse Coaching and coaching competencies, and what it means to be a healthy nurse, to nurture healing, and to form strong communities.

five domains (safety, rest, quality of life, physical activity, nutrition) have strengthened our INCA mission and are woven into our INCCP curriculum and our award winning textbook, Nurse Coaching: Integrative Approaches for Health and Wellbeing (INCA, 2015). The Theory of Integrative Nurse Coaching (TINC), the Integrative Lifestyle Health and Wellbeing (ILHWB) Model, and the validated Integrative Health and Wellbeing Assessment (IHWA), are further supported with the HNHN website, survey, toolkit, and other invaluable resources. The HNHN mission is also included in our quarterly newsletters, social media, and our new INCA website.

INCA acknowledges our dedicated Faculty and all INCA graduates that hold the long view of our nursing contract with society and for the translation of Integrative Nursing Coaching and healing in all settings—local to global. As frequently invited speakers, the INCA faculty and graduates include the HNHN domains and mission in their presentations at local, regional, national, and international nursing and inter-professional conferences, as well as in their articles and interviews.

3ba3891b3bb1934d3b0e74d8b51c6dba-huge-inINCA’s strategic vision incorporates the HNHN mission as follows:
  • The HNHN five domains enhance Integrative Nurse Coaches capacities to be healthy nurse leaders using nurse coaching competencies in any setting or specialty area of practice. They facilitate a process of change and self-development with individuals or groups to realize their potential. Nurse coaching is a skilled, purposeful, results-oriented, and structured relationship-centered interaction with clients focused on achievement of client goals.
  • The HNHN five domains alignment expands Integrative Nurse Coaches’ capacities as 21st-century Nightingales. Being healthy nurses requires a shift in consciousness to become role models, health communicators, and health diplomats who are coaching to achieve a healthier humanity—local and global.
  • The HNHN challenges Integrative Nurse Coaches toward a reorientation of values and behaviors that promote wellness and the well-being for all of humanity and strategies for living on a healthy planet. This is a fitting development, because “nurse” is derived from the Latin nutrire, meaning “nourish,” and it is nurses whose empathy, compassion, caring, and wisdom have nourished countless humans in their journeys from birth to death.
  • The HNHN five domains challenge Integrative Nurse Coaches towards deeper self-reflection, self-assessment, self-evaluation, and self-care and to embrace personal responsibility, integral to enhancing personal growth, overall health, and well-being.
  • The HNHN five domains address health that depends largely on awareness, choice, and intention. Nurse Coaches are strategically positioned to skillfully partner with individuals, families and communities to assess, strategize, plan, and evaluate progress towards negotiated goals for behavioral change and promote healthy lifestyles.
  • The HNHN five domains lead to wholeness and healing. Healing (internal and external) is something that we carry with us at all times and it happens in the present moment. It is a lifelong journey of seeking harmony & balance. It may/may not involve curing, but healing is always possible as it is both/and—not either/or.
Healthy Nurse Feedback:
  • “I believe that I am on a healing journey for the first time in my life as I am opening up to my own emotions and the parts of me that are in need of healing.”
  • “I have new skills to release my suffering (personal and professional) and my moral distress has decrease as I am mindful about self-care, thus I have increased my moral resilience.”
  • “Making a commitment to mindfulness each day around eating, exercise, and sleep has been a great gift as I now have energy and peace in more aspects of my life.”
  • “I find that interactions with patients about changing lifestyle are more authentic as I am able to share some of my challenges with changing behaviors towards health.”
  • “For the first time in my adult life, I have no fear of maintaining my idea weight as I have had new mindfulness skills to use throughout the day to love me, and to care for me in the midst of work, family, and daily chaos.”
  • “I have found that when I explore the parts of me that are in need of healing, I am able to be aware each day of taking breaks, eating nutritiously, getting some exercise, and use my new coaching skills especially breathing practices to down-regulate and also use these to get some quality sleep.
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Have you joined the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN) Grand Challenge yet? Join us today!
Blog Champion Spotlight 10/02/2018 2:11pm CDT

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Wow! Thank you for this post; I honestly knew very little about the INCA. I could relate to so much of the feedback that was expressed! I certainly believe that we can be fully authentic with patients by modeling the behaviors that we want to encourage. For me, the ability to be authentic with patients reduces the tension between their starting point and the desired outcomes.


Champion Spotlight 24
Champion Spotlight
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