Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series - ANA Enterprise Partners All In Award Winners: MUSC And NJSNA!

ANA Enterprise is pleased to announce that the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ (HNHN) Partners All In (PAI) Award winners are the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA). A standing ovation to both organizations for having the most employees and members join HNHN from July 16 through December 15, 2018. There was fierce competition among the top contenders and it was a close contest down to the deadline.

How did they do it? NJSNA’s Sue Weaver, PhD, RN, CRNI®, NEA-BC, Team Lead of NJSNA’s Healthy Nurse Healthy New Jersey (HNHNJ) tells us, "Our HNHNJ Team is very excited and proud to have won the PAI awards. Our healthy nurse volunteers, who are extremely passionate about this important initiative, pestered their colleagues to join, explained the importance of joining at every conference and meeting they attended, and even individually coached nurses through the process of joining HNHN. We are also extremely grateful to all our NJSNA members who received multiple and sometimes annoying emails yet signed up and affiliated with HNHN."
Judith Schmidt, MSN, DHA (c), RN, CCRN, CEO New Jersey State Nurses Association, adds, “NJSNA is proud to participate in the Health Nurse Healthy Nation program launched by ANA. Our incredible HNHNJ Team has done a remarkable job. They have inspired nurses and others to become more aware of their own health and wellness as well as their patients. Sue Weaver was an outstanding leader in this effort. She kept our NJSNA members informed by sending out a weekly email addressing ways to improve both physical and mental health. Kudos goes to the entire HNHNJ Team for their efforts in making New Jersey nurses healthier!”
Both MUSC and NJSNA will each receive a $10,000 award to be used on a health and wellness activity or program for staff/employees, students, or members. Stay tuned to discover exactly how the winners will utilize the award to improve health and wellness in their organizations. However, Andrea Coyle, MSN, MHA, RN, NE-BC, Professional Excellence and Magnet Program Director, MUSC College of Nursing Adjunct Faculty, does give us some ideas, “Winning the Partners All In Award is incredibly exciting and speaks to MUSC‘s commitment to creating a healthy environment for all care team members. MUSC nursing leadership, in true shared governance fashion, will lean on our shared governance council members to decide on how we will best use the grant money. A few suggestions include a smoothie bar, roving yoga and a relaxation room. Once we decide on how we will use the money we will share with the HNHN partners.”
Congratulations also go out to those hard-working organizations deserving of Honorable Mention: CarolinaEast and the Texas Nurses Association.
This year’s (2018) awards were available in two categories:
- Category A-HNHN Champion or Collaborator not affiliated with ANA, such as healthcare facilities, schools of nursing, et cetera
- Category B-HNHN Champion or Collaborator that is a constituent/state nurses association or organizational affiliate of ANA
These awards were made possible, in part, by Stryker.
HNHN is a social movement designed to transform the health of the nation by improving the health of the nation's 4 million registered nurses. It is available to all and is free of charge. Join today at
Blog Champion Spotlight
12/20/2018 10:00am CST
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