Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series - Kentucky Nurses Association Fall Conference Focuses On Healing Nurses

Inspired by the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN) initiative, the Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA) presented its fall 2018 conference, “Reclaim Nursing: Heal, Empower and Inspire,” November 1 and 2 in Louisville, Ky.
The first day of the conference focused on healing nurses and transforming nursing. Pamela McDonald, FA, WHCNP-BC, APCNP, PNP, FNP, one of the keynote speakers, presented her ground-breaking APO E gene diet. To provide real lasting change for Kentucky nurses’ health, attendees were offered an opportunity to have the APO E gene testing at a significantly discounted price. Seventy-five nurses chose to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about their APO E gene and receive a diet based on their genetics. When a person fuels his or her body with the right combination of healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins based on their APO E, inflammation is reduced, reversed and prevented.
Nurses also had the opportunity to experience three integrative modalities of their choice such as massage therapy, Feldenkrais, chair yoga, Reiki, mindfulness meditation, art therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu or Healing Touch to learn the value for personal health or professional use, when referrals are appropriate. More than 50 practitioners volunteered their time to provide these sessions.
Nurses with expertise in nutrition carefully planned delicious meals and snacks for the event – a different slice from traditional conference fare.
Pamela will soon return to Kentucky to facilitate two follow-up lectures to give nurses who participated in the APO E testing their results and to help them understand the tenets of the APO E gene diet program. This is an exciting opportunity for these nurses and will create lasting change in not only their health, but the health of their families.
Kim Evans, MSN, BSN, APRN, RN, KNA Conference co-chair, concludes, “If this type of educational opportunity and testing can affect change that will improve the health of Kentucky nurses, imagine this as a model to change the health of nurses across the country. This is a huge step in creating healthy nurses and a healthy nation!”
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Blog Champion Spotlight
02/25/2019 12:49pm CST
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