Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series - Wyoming Nurses Association 3557

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series - Wyoming Nurses Association

By Christina Brewer
b7ad21049d4e180f351a7a6975506d77-huge-wnIn 2016, the Northwest Region of Wyoming Nurses’ Association (WNA) desired to embrace the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation initiative. This was the conception of the “Fall in love with Wyoming Pumpkin Run and Roll”. Wyoming fall and winter weather can be unpredictable, but one outdoor activity families don’t skip is Halloween. The idea behind the autumn timing of this event was to counter the effects of the candy, and get our nurses, families, friends, and communities to participate in activity, regardless of the weather and location.

The event is announced at the WNA Annual Summit, where members from across the state can register for the “virtual” event. Although there is a “live” event held at a single location in the state, those unable to attend are encouraged to log a 5k at their place and pace and share their pictures with us on our Facebook page. Treadmill, outdoors, biking, walking, jogging-no limitations! We have had members complete the event on the beaches of Mexico with a group of friends, family members participating across state lines, and groups of nurses gathering in other locations for their own “live” events.

In addition to the physical health benefits of the event, many other positives snowballed. We have involved nursing students from the local community college to participate in community service engagement. Local businesses provide tremendous support for door prizes for the local “live” event. The event benefits the financial health of nurses in Wyoming, as proceeds are used to fund three different scholarships:  a prelicensure scholarship for nurses enrolled in a program of nursing, a continuing education scholarship for licensed nurses, and an annual WNA membership scholarship for a nurse looking to grow his/her professional involvement.  Following our 4th annual event, we are pleased to see that we have inspired nurses across the state.  

WNA, at the state level, also hosted a 5k run/walk in the Spring of 2019 in correlation with Nurses’ Week.  This was done to engage nurses and their families in healthy activity and provide a financial gift for suicide prevention in Wyoming. 

This is a story of a community health journey, one that has provided benefits on an even greater level than anticipated. It has brought together the minds of the nurses of Wyoming who are looking to create a healthier Wyoming, one nurse at a time.

Want to learn more about WNA’s healthy initiatives?  Visit us #0563c1;text-decoration:underline;">here.

Christina Brewer, MSN, RN, Wyoming Nurses' Association Northwest Region President, has served 2 terms in the presidency and on the State Board of Directors. She has been a member of the Wyoming Nurses' Association for 10 years and looks forward to remaining involved in the association as the coordinator of the Region's Fall Fun Run inspired by Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation.  

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Blog Champion Spotlight 12/27/2019 9:26am CST

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