Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ - Champion Spotlight Series - SEHA Nursing Staff Health And Well-being, Abu Dhabi Health Service Co.

Using HNHN as its guide and inspiration, Corporate SEHA Nursing well-being committees improve the lives of its nurses every day.
We are pleased to shine the spotlight on the SEHA Nursing Well-being Committee, a part of SEHA Corporate Nursing health and wellness program, an exceptional Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Champion.
“Your health first.” That’s the message SEHA sends to its staff of over 6,800 nurses. “Your Health First” is also the name of the well-being program designed to improve the health and well-being of its nurses.
The initiative aims to connect and engage individual nurses to take action and ownership of their own health within 5 areas:
• Activity
• Sleep
• Nutrition
• Quality of life
• Safety
“Your Health First” has a unique strategy — it brings self-care initiatives closer to the nurses by implementing them at the nursing unit level. Nursing well-being leads at the unit level are given free rein to organize activities aligning with the monthly theme. This leads to better engagement because the activities are based on the unit’s acuity, schedules, and unique needs.
To ensure that the activities meet individual units’ evolving needs, the nursing well-being leads hold monthly meetings. During those gatherings, the leads collaborate and share their unit’s activities to inspire each other and support hospitals that are lagging behind.
“Your Health First” recently received a 4-Star Rating from the Centre for Organisational Excellence Research, after competing in the 7th International Best Practice Competition, which was hosted this year in New Zealand.
Because the initiative is inspired by Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ (HNHN), it takes advantage of HNHN’s evidence-based resources, like the themed calendar and health survey.
Popular Monthly Themes
Some of the most popular activities, challenges, and themes have been the most recent ones. In May 2021, the wellness theme was “Show Yourself Kindness.” In Tawam Hospital, a SEHA healthcare facility, their nursing well-being committee held a facility-wide activity dubbed the #LovingMe Challenge. Nurses created collages of 9 pictures showing how they take care of their own health and wellness.
“We received more than 100 submissions which were shared in the hospital nursing governance meetings,” said Nelson Bautista, Clinical Nurse Educator at Tawam Hospital. “We also saw positive feedback from the nurses. Many said this activity inspired them to look after their health better, especially after being motivated by their colleagues’ collages.”
June’s theme was “Quality of Life” and stressed the importance of maintaining work-life balance. The collage activity in May inspired a nursing health and well-being activity for June, across the full SEHA network, titled #LovingLife Challenge. It challenged nurses to create collages showing how they maintain a balance between work and personal life.
“The activity ran for 3 days and we received more than 100 entries,” said Bautista. “26 participants received tickets to a popular theme park in Abu Dhabi for themselves and their immediate family as a prize.”
Other past wellness themes have included:
• Stress Less
• Screen Time Detox
• Get Your Gratitude On
• Appreciation and Encouragement
• Choosing Civility
Following HNHN’s Lead
While individual activities remain unique to each unit, the “Your Health First” initiative uses the HNHN calendar. Nursing well-being leads are required to register their individual facilities to HNHN as partners. Their respective nurses are asked to complete the HealthyNurse® Survey within the platform. This allows the nurses to gauge their own well-being status, and it also helps the leads tap into the wellness needs of the entire facility.
Using HNHN as its guide and inspiration, all SEHA Nursing Well-being Committees improve the lives of their nurses every day.

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Blog Champion Spotlight
08/16/2021 10:17am CDT
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