What's Your Daily Gratitude Question? 3793

What's Your Daily Gratitude Question?


It is day 7 of the Your Gratitude is Showing! challenge, powered by CeraVe.

With so much going on in the world right now, it’s hard to focus on the good. Reminders can help. That’s what this challenge is designed to do: provide you with a daily tool to help you stay focused on what’s important.

One such tool is Gratefulness.org’s Daily Questions. Every day, the website posts a new question to get (or keep) you focused on gratitude. For example, past questions include:
  • What supports me in “going deep”?
  • What can I nourish right now?
  • How have I changed or grown recently? How has that changed the world around me?
  • What opportunities exist in this moment?

Bookmark the daily questions page and stay tuned for a new question each day. Use it to focus your mind on positivity and what’s most important rather than dwelling on the negative.

Which questions resonate with you? Tell us what gratitude questions you are asking yourself here or in our private Facebook group, on Twitter or Instagram and remember to tag us with #healthynurse and #yourgratitudeisshowing.

Find this helpful? Use the social media links on the left side of your page to share it with a nurse and invite them to join Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation!

Missed day 6? Catch up here.

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Blog Challenge Tips 08/11/2020 12:42pm CDT

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