Treat Yourself Like A Friend 3939

Treat Yourself Like A Friend



Welcome to day 3 of the Show Yourself Kindness challenge, powered by CeraVe.

It’s normal to be tough on ourselves sometimes. We all have inner critics. But studies show that criticizing ourselves activates our “fight-or-flight” response, which creates stress hormones in our bodies.  

Think about this: What would your closest friend say to you if he or she could listen to the conversation you’re having with yourself? This friend would probably offer reassuring advice in a calm, comforting manner. This person is the perfect example of how you can treat yourself. 

For example, let’s say you’re giving yourself a hard time because you skipped a workout to watch your favorite TV show. Now imagine what a compassionate friend might say if they could hear your thoughts. A good friend might put a hand on your shoulder and say, “You were feeling tired and needed some down time. That’s OK. Give yourself grace. You’ll make up for it tomorrow.”   

Today, give yourself a supportive pep-talk. Be the friend your inner critic needs. Notice the negative when it pops into your head, then respond to your inner dialogue with compassion and understanding. Give yourself permission to feel what you feel, but remind yourself of the positive, too. 

Want more? Try this exercise from self-compassion expert Kristin Neff, PhD. 

Did you find this tip helpful? How did the exercise go? Share with us in our discussion in the challenge update section here or on Facebook

Missed day 2? Catch up here. Join us on day 4.


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Blog Challenge Tips 04/21/2021 4:04pm CDT

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Today, I was in a meeting having imposter syndrome.  But then, I gave myself a pep talk in my head.  I remembered how hard I have worked to get here and that even if I didn't have *as much* to contribute today, I would next week, and the week after that even more.  I remembered that growth is a process - just like a friend would have!
Susan S. Susan S. Apr '21
I found this neat little pin as I was checking out at my local bookstore. It’s shaped like an award and says “Put myself first”. Bought it and placed it on my work bag. A good reminder! 


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