Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - NHNA's Healthy Nurse Scholarship 5K & Health Fair

We hired a turnkey race manager to provide the timing services for the 5K and to run the registration site. Using a turnkey service for this event helped reduce the time and effort to putting this event together. It allowed me to focus on the Health Fair. We had almost 80 nurses and community members participate in the 5K. We raised $2,300 for our scholarship fund. Overall funds raised were $5,990, costs including $2,300 for turnkey race services were $3,670.
We awarded race medals for top three male and top three female finishers and for top male and female finisher in each of several age categories and a medal for the oldest and the youngest participant. We also awarded "fun" prizes for the team with the most spirit and the team with the most members. We gave a free race t-shirt (with exhibitor and sponsor names on it) to the first 50 registered runners.
Overall we were very pleased with last year's event. I was only disappointed because I was hoping for more community participation in the Health Fair. I applied for a grant from the Rotary to conduct some more community promotion (print ads and lawn signs) for this year's event, but unfortunately was not successful. So it will be mostly word of mouth again this year.
I'm also attaching this link to the article on the event that appeared in the January 2018 issue of NH Nursing News (page 4).
Joan C. Widmer, MS, MSBA, RN, CEN
Nurse Executive Director
New Hampshire Nurses Association
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Reviewed 12/8/22
Blog Physical Activity
09/12/2018 2:31pm CDT
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