Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Six Tips For Nurses Coping With The COVID-19 Pandemic 3617

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Blog - Six Tips For Nurses Coping With The COVID-19 Pandemic

Developed by Dr. Bernadette Melnyk and ANA Enterprise’s Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™

If you are feeling anxious and stressed about the COVID-19 pandemic, you are not alone – many nurses are experiencing higher than normal stress and anxiety levels right now. Here are six tips for coping with COVID-19. 
  1. Breathe deeply: Take five slow deep breaths right now and feel yourself calming down. See this link for tips on how to relieve stress through slow, deep breathing.09ce299bd552a30a4278c2ec9239e416-huge-pi
  2. Practice staying in the present moment: Worrying will not change or help the situation; be here now; stay mindful
  3. Use cognitive-behavioral skills: Remember, how you think affects how you feel and how you behave. If you are having a negative thought (e.g., “I might get the COVID-19 virus and get really sick.”), change it to a positive (e.g., “I will stay healthy by taking good self-care and practicing good infection control practices.”). Repeat these and other positive thinking statements several times a day (e.g., I’m too blessed to be stressed!).
  4. Read 3 to 5 minutes in a positive thinking book every day before starting work. Positivity will serve as a shield against stress and worry.
  5. Stay active: Physical activity can help relieve stress. Even daily short walks can help.
  6. Talk to someone: Tell a family member or friend how you are feeling. Get help if your stress and anxiety is interfering with your functioning.
We are all in this together!

We'd love to hear your thoughts and what you and your organization are doing to alleviate fear and stress.  Let us know in this discussion.

Reviewed 2/17/22
Blog Quality of Life 03/24/2020 10:47am CDT

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Deann Shaver‍  here are some suggestions from GoodReads:  I personally like to read something from the "Chicken Soup" series, since it is light reading and is basically positive, short vignettes.
ChristiM ChristiM Apr '20
Deann Shaver‍ you should make a discussion board post for the book suggestions so more people see it. :)
Does anyone have recommendations on the books for the suggestion to read daily? 
elle belle‍ Thanks for your service!  You are a hero and we very much appreciate what you do!  Best, Holly
elle belle elle belle Apr '20
I think my positivity is the only reason I can keep moving forward.  I have family and friends that are extremely concerned about me being on the front lines as an ER Nurse.  Keep my eyes looking ahead and don't dwell on the what ifs.


Quality of Life
81 Posts 8
Your life is full and your work is often stressful. This domain focuses on the elements that improve the quality of your life: including resiliency and preventing burnout, restoring joy, and achieving a positive work/life balance.
