As nurses, we give our hearts to those around us every day. But our own hearts deserve a little TLC, too. Over this 10 day challenge, we’re encouraging you to take a few moments to focus on small diet changes that make a big impact on heart health.
This is the perfect time because February is Heart Disease Awareness Month. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Let’s do something positive for our hearts this winter by incorporating small modifications into our lifestyle. Over time, those tangible changes can turn into healthy habits.
This challenge begins February 14, 2022.
Are you ready? Sign up today! Click “Yes” under “Ready to Join?”
Do you have any go-to heart health tips? Post them in the discussion thread below!
Get a sneak peek at our tips here.
Sponsored by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare

This is the perfect time because February is Heart Disease Awareness Month. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Let’s do something positive for our hearts this winter by incorporating small modifications into our lifestyle. Over time, those tangible changes can turn into healthy habits.
This challenge begins February 14, 2022.
Are you ready? Sign up today! Click “Yes” under “Ready to Join?”
Do you have any go-to heart health tips? Post them in the discussion thread below!
Get a sneak peek at our tips here.
Sponsored by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare

Date & Time
Monday February 14th, 2022
End Date & Time
Friday February 25th, 2022
Category Nutrition Challenges
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How are you doing in the challenge?
I've been getting more creative with my salads, adding black beans, chickpeas, quinoa to my normal collection of vegetables. Found a flax seed / chia seed blend that is great to add into yogurt, top onto salads or add into smoothies. Really enjoying the move away from cereal and yogurt in the morning to an omelette or doing a brunch and light dinner instead of a breakfast, lunch and dinner. Soup & salad or half a whole grain sandwich has been a nice light supper and eating my main meal at lunch seems to be better for my sleep the last few days. Meal planning this weekend for next week to try to keep this momentum going.
Added some fiber for lunch and dinner. Green beans with almonds at lunch. A big Cobb salad and pumpkin soup for dinner!
I started cooking my vegetables in Ninja air fryer, I really like it ;)
@Luda we have one too that I need to figure out how to use. Mind sharing an easy starter temp/time?
I started anti-rheumatoid diet and I'm so happy with it. I added steamed veggies instead of fresh and fuits as snacks and definitely reduced sugar intake
I had carrots and hummus as my snack yesterday, and added fresh tomatoes to my pasta last night!
I'm trying to decrease my sugar at the start of the day by switching out the “faster” option of yogurts or cereal for a veggie filled “omelette” - although need to work on the skills as it was more like veggie scrambled eggs 😊 . By the time I'd toasted my whole grain bread and made my tea the eggs were ready so it turned out faster than I thought & I stayed full all morning. Plus I got an extra serving of veggies in first thing.
@Mrs Sheena D Pracyk, RN I just got silicone muffin tins to try air fryer eggs to help veggie intake. I read you just crack an egg in the cup, scramble it a little, and toss in your veggies! Super easy!
I am loving my extra vegetables in my food ,I added Lima beans and zucchini today and it was delicious 🤤
I also love to make fresh oatmeal with blueberries, strawberries, and a banana.
Avocado and flax are my favorite healthy fats!
Breakfast today was avacado and boiled eggs sandwich on whole wheat bread .
my drink was cups of freshly brewed green tea.
Tried to make an omelette this Am - love your idea of boiled eggs. I could do some and use with avocado toast or to top my salad for lunch.