Get Support 1841

Get Support

It's day 9 of the Celebrate Civility challenge.

Today's tip is to get support.

Dealing with difficult coworkers, bullies, or workplace violence can be exhausting, challenging, costly, and just overwhelming. Understand that recovering from being bullied may be a long process and can lead to nursing burnout. It’s not something you should attempt to experience alone.

Turn to people you trust and let them know what you’re going through. Disclosure can be very powerful when experiencing any life struggles. A mentor is a good resource, since they may have encountered similar experiences and can offer guidance. Visit your workplace counseling service, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), staff support coordinator and/or other trusted healthcare professionals. Dr. Clark suggests reaching out to “external mentors”– individuals outside your organization who can be objective and focused on you.

Do you feel like you have a support system that you can rely on when facing struggles at work? Share your stories with us in our discussion or in our Facebook group.

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Blog Challenge Tips 08/02/2018 7:03am CDT

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ChristiM ChristiM Dec '19
Speaking up is the first and best step! Nothing will change if the behavior is not pointed out and made apparent to everyone.
abbyeed abbyeed Dec '19
I don't think my organization has a great support system. I would like to think we have a zero tolerance on bullying but I continue to see it. Sometimes the cliques in the facility are just stronger than the administration. I see a lot of the nursing assistants run the units instead of the managers or nurses. It's awful. We have a webinar coming up that many of the managers are going to be attending called "going from buddy to boss" so I'm really looking forward to that. And hopefully there will be some changes in how some of the managers, if not all, manage their units.


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