Take A Break From Alcohol

It's day 7 of the Healthy Recipe Toolbox Challenge.
Opting for mocktails instead of cocktails — either for the short term or long term — is becoming more popular. The movement is called “sober curious” or “sober sometimes,” and it takes “Dry January” or “Sober September” to a whole new level.
Just remember that some mocktails are loaded with sugar, which can spike your insulin levels and cause weight gain. When possible, opt for an alcohol-free drink that uses natural fruit juices and lower amounts of sugar.
Studies haven’t found a downside to ditching alcohol, but they have found many upsides, including:
- Weight loss
- Better quality sleep
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduced insulin sensitivity
- Better liver function
Whip Up an Alcohol-Free Mixed Drink
Now that you’ve learned the health benefits of replacing alcohol with non-alcoholic beverages, you can experiment with fun recipes. You may even forget you’re not drinking an alcoholic cocktail. Here are a few ideas to make at home:
- Frozen berries with lemon lime
- Orange juice with sparkling white grape juice
- Strawberry sparkling water with basil seeds or chia seeds
- Cranberry, orange and apple juice mixed together
Add to Your Recipe Book
Make one of these delicious mocktail recipes so you can give “sober curious” a try:
- 30 Fresh and Fizzy Mocktail Recipes
- 17 Mocktail Recipes Anyone Can Enjoy
- 19 Mocktails You'll Actually Want to Drink
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Missed day 6? Catch up here. Join us on day 8.
Sponsored by support from Morrison Healthcare, a Division of Compass One Healthcare

Blog Challenge Tips
04/03/2020 3:49pm CDT
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