Try A Meditation To Stress Less Tonight 3824

Try A Meditation To Stress Less Tonight


Welcome to day 4 of the #WeAreinThisTogether Student Nurse Wellness challenge.

Nursing school is a convergence of new responsibilities, learning, training, studying, and impending deadlines. All of this translates to stress. Today (and every day), try to reduce your stress levels, no matter what circumstances you’re facing.

Easier said than done, right? Here are some recommendations:
  • Breathe deeply: Try the 4:7:8 technique. Slowly inhale over four counts, hold the breath for a count of seven, then exhale for a count of eight. Repeat the process three times in a row to calm and center yourself.
  • Show gratitude: Research shows that being grateful can improve your outlook and well-being. Recognize those around you for their efforts — say “thank you” or send a compliment via text message or email.
  • Go to bed early: Getting enough sleep is vital to combatting stress. Power down the laptop or iPhone and catch some extra Z’s tonight.
  • Add meditation to your daily routine: 
    • Try one of these guided meditations from Headspace here! This form of meditation is directed by a guide, usually a trained practitioner. It’s ideal for those who find themselves constantly distracted and need help staying focused. Haven't started your FREE Headspace PLUS account yet? Get started by logging in here
    • Find daily opportunities for mediation. For example, while you’re washing dishes, focus on the feeling of the water and soap on your hands. Pay attention to the sensations. The more you practice this type of focus, the easier it gets — and the more relaxed you become.

Read more advice on how to keep your stress levels to a minimum:
Tell us which technique you’ll try or share your own stress-busting tips in our discussion here or reply to us on Twitter, in our private Facebook group or Instagram. Remember to tag us with #healthynurse!

How did you feel after trying the guided meditation? Let us know here or reply to us on Twitter, in our private Facebook group or Instagram. Remember to tag us with #healthynurse!

Missed day 3? Catch up here. Join us on day 5!

Blog Challenge Tips 10/02/2020 8:50pm CDT

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lharlett lharlett Feb '21
I go to bed early; I try to unwind by watching a little TV first or laugh a little at TikTok. Most nights I try to go to sleep by 10 pm. This is including the night before a test, I would rather get up in the morning with a fresh brain and study. Also to help me relax I take a shower and try to let the hardships of the day go down the drain.
qhubbard qhubbard Jan '21
Day 4: The way I take care of myself is by going to sleep on time every day! If I do not get at least seven hours of sleep at night (though I prefer at least eight), my performance the next day is usually suboptimal. In the field of nursing, this can be dangerous! I have to take care of myself before I can take care of anyone else! I have tried to meditate before, but I usually end up falling asleep, so I do not try it often (haha!). I could try deep breathing. This would probably be helpful if I am nervous. I will try it before I take my next exam! 
Ruswis Ruswis Jan '21
Recently I found out that reading before going to bed keeps me awake, no matter if I use electronic devices or physical books. It is unfortunate because recent studies show that people who study before bedtime may have better memory and recall. I think yoga exercises help to keep my mind and body relaxed. 
dsalinas dsalinas Jan '21
Day 4: I recently started journaling and it has been helpful. I like writing my feelings out in a notebook. School can be stressful so it is important to find a way to deal with the stress. I have tried the 4:7:8 breathing technique when my anxiety is through the roof. It has really helped me calm down especially after a stressful day at work.
ChristiM ChristiM Jan '21
I had originally been using Headspace just for sound machine noises but the Sleepcasts got recommended to me and I love them! It's basically a story being told to you in a soothing voice to give you something to think about that's relaxing. Plus it has some background noise, like rainfall or a train going down the tracks. (Rain day Antiques and Slow Train are my favorites).
Victor Victor Jan '21
Day 4: I've tried meditation and journaling to reflect on myself and relax, but after a while I never stuck to it and stopped. I make sure to take more naps nowadays and not do homework past midnight so that I don't stress myself out for no reason: things will be completed when they are completed. Typically, I deal with stress by taking a break from responsibilities and just being on my phone, but I really should find a self-care method that is not technology and be consistent at it.
Day 4:  Today was my second day of clinical for the semester. It wasn’t overly stressful, however, I’m tired today. The stressors of school often don’t allow me to relax fully but tonight, I will have no issues going to sleep early. 

Its near bedtime and to help me relax, I’m listening to some soft music and doing my best to not worry about all the tasks I must complete tomorrow. 
Day 4: I have always made it a rule to never sacrifice sleep for studying and I usually set my cutoff to no later than 12am. This way, I always get a minimum of about 7 hours of sleep. The way I see it, if I try to study late into the early morning then anything I study at that point will probably be forgotten.


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