Check In With Yourself 3940

Check In With Yourself



Welcome to day 4 of the Show Yourself Kindness challenge, powered by CeraVe.

Now that you know what your inner critic sounds like and how to approach that harsh voice with care, it’s time to practice nurturing yourself. 

Stop and check in with yourself by asking, “How am I feeling? What do I need in this moment?” Self-awareness is key. 

Try this exercise from self-compassion expert Kristin Neff, PhD, to practice bringing your needs to the forefront:  

  1. Think of a situation in your life that’s uncomfortable or challenging. Call the situation to the front of your mind. Try to identify the feelings this situation gives you in your body.  

  1. Explain what you are feeling. Say to yourself, “This is a difficult moment” or “We all go through ups and downs in our lives.” 

  1. Accept what you are feeling. Say to yourself, “Challenges are a part of life” or “Stress is a part of life.” 

  1. Place a hand on top of your heart. Feel your own soothing touch and tell yourself, “May I be kind to myself” or “May I learn to accept myself the way that I am.” 

Follow this cadence day or night, whenever you need it. It should only take a minute or two, and hopefully it will bring you peace and strength. 

Did you find this tip helpful? How did the exercise go? Share with us in our discussion in the challenge update section here or on Facebook. Spread the word. Use the social media links on the left side of your page to share this info with a nurse and invite them to join Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation

Missed day 3? Catch up here. Join us on day 5.


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Blog Challenge Tips 04/22/2021 6:08pm CDT

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Susan S. Susan S. Apr '21
Had a particularly stressful end to my work in my car to head home and saw my reminder to check in. Really loved the exercise for day 4. I took a few moments for myself and followed the instructions. I think I don’t give myself permission to say “yeah that was challenging” instead my self talk is what could I have done better! Which just puts more pressure on myself and more dwelling on what’s bothering me. I have also signed up for headspace. A wonderful gift! Thank you. 


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