Take It Forward!



Congratulations, you made it to the end of the Show Yourself Kindness challenge, powered by CeraVe!

How are you feeling? We hope you have implemented the past 10 days’ worth of tips and are noticing positive changes.

Just because the challenge has come to a close, your self-compassion journey doesn’t have to end today. Now that you have the tools to be more compassionate with yourself, it’s time to be a model for others. Coworkers, patients, friends, family, and even nurse leadership can learn from your example. Create a chain reaction of self-compassion by boldly living it for all to see. 

As you model self-compassion to others, your kindness toward yourself will deepen and the fruit of this devotion will grow. Keep the forward momentum. Use this time to continue learning, practicing and improving: 

How will you continue to use self-compassion in your daily life? How will you share it with others? Tell us in the challenge update section here or on Facebook

You're Invited! 

We are looking for your feedback. Share your experience in the challenge with us at our #ShowYourselfKindess twitter chat on Monday, May 17th from 1-2pm EST. 

Never participated in a twitter chat? No sweat. Just search Twitter for our hashtag #ShowYourselfKindness on Monday, May 17th at 1pm EST to follow along. To participate you need to set up a twitter account! Watch this video for more on how to participate.

Stay compassionate, stay healthy. 

Missed day 9? Catch up here.


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Blog Challenge Tips 06/01/2021 10:40am CDT

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