Do A Guided Meditation For Gratitude 4293

Do A Guided Meditation For Gratitude


Did you know that Buddhist monks start each day with a gratitude chant for the blessings in their lives?

We can learn a lot from this approach to a new day. Research shows a clear overlap between the benefits of gratitude meditation and the benefits of living a grateful life. Just one session of gratitude meditation can significantly boost your feelings of thankfulness and allow you to experience all of gratitude's benefits.

Today, try a simple guided meditation to help you focus on gratitude. There are plenty of guided meditations online, such as Dr. Kathi Kemper’s Gratitude Meditation. If you haven't already, you can also try the Headspace app, on us. Sign up for your complimentary premium subscription here.

Whether you have 5 or 30 minutes to spare, there is a gratitude meditation for you. Take a few moments to start your day with the right mindset.

“It is not happiness that brings us gratitude. It is gratitude that brings us happiness.”
   - Unknown

Need more motivation to prioritize gratitude? Read about the many benefits of living a grateful life.

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Blog Challenge Tips 12/14/2022 2:35pm CST

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