Begin Your Meals With Gratitude 4297

Begin Your Meals With Gratitude

As we mentioned at the beginning of this challenge, gratitude is more of a lifestyle habit than a fleeting emotion. The goal of every exercise in this challenge is to engrain an attitude of gratitude into your daily routine.

What better way to create a gratitude habit than to practice it every time you eat a meal? Our food provides the physical nourishment we need to be healthy, and that’s something to celebrate and appreciate.

Before you eat your meals today, pause and think about something you’re grateful for. It can be the food on your plate, the water in your cup, the people around you, or something else. Maybe it’s the soil, the rain, and the sun that helped grow the vegetables in your salad. Or the workers who raise and transport the food from farm or ranch to your table. Enjoying a meal is truly a blessing, and today’s challenge is to remember that.

“When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.”
  - Vietnamese Proverb

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Blog Challenge Tips 12/20/2022 8:50am CST

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