Contemplate Your Food’s Story - Mindful Meals challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare - Day 5 Tip 4353

Contemplate Your Food’s Story - Mindful Meals challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare - Day 5 Tip

What should you think about as you sit down to eat for 20 minutes? To keep your mind from wandering to stressful thoughts like your upcoming to-do list or a challenging patient, think about your food.

Reflect on the effort it took to grow and prepare your food. Where did it come from? Ponder your food’s journey — whether it’s from farm to table, from manufacturing plant to table, etc. How did the food get to your plate? Who helped to get it there?

To make this task work, try eating in silence. Recognize when your mind wanders to other thoughts and bring it back to eating as quickly as you can. By thinking about your food’s backstory, you stay focused on the ingredients themselves. You learn to appreciate everything that happened to get the food on your plate, as well as all its nourishing components.

When you’re mindful about your food and where it came from, you are more mindful about what you’re putting into your body.

Need more inspiration? See how #healthynurse Kyri Miller uses food as fuel for her body.

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Powered by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare 



Blog Challenge Tips 03/18/2023 8:26am CDT

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