Take a Stretch Break - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - Everyday Vacations challenge - Day 2 4617

Take a Stretch Break - Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - Everyday Vacations challenge - Day 2


Do your neck, back, or shoulders ever feel tight and tense?  When stress builds up, it can create tension in these areas. Even if you can’t take a day off to rest your body, you can take a few minutes to stretch out your stiff muscles.

Try these simple stretches: 

  • Skyward reach: Clasp your hands and reach for the sky, palms up, keeping your arms straight and your spine lengthened. Feel the stretch in your arms, neck, and ribcage. 
  • Neck and shoulder release: Tilt your right ear toward your right shoulder, gently trying to touch the two. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch to the other side. 
  • Hamstring soothe: Lie on your back with hips centered and flat. Extend both legs straight on the ground. Lift one leg straight up and gently draw it closer to your abdomen with your hands. Repeat with the other leg. 

Incorporating a brief daily stretching routine into your schedule boosts flexibility and helps you maintain muscle health. It doesn't need to be lengthy; just 5 minutes each day can make a noticeable difference. 

What’s your favorite stretch to ease tension in your muscles? Share a post here to let us know or reply on Twitter, in our private Facebook group or Instagram. Remember to tag us with #healthynurse!

Missed Day 1? Catch up here. Join us on day 3.

Blog Challenge Tips 12/12/2023 6:19pm CST

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