4 Tasty, Nutritious Snacks to Satisfy Your Savory Cravings - Crush Your Cravings challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare - Day 3 - Healthy Nurse, Nurse, Healthy Nation 5057

4 Tasty, Nutritious Snacks to Satisfy Your Savory Cravings - Crush Your Cravings challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare - Day 3 - Healthy Nurse, Nurse, Healthy Nation

Swap Salty Foods for Healthy Alternatives

Eating potato chips and other fried, high-sodium foods may feel comforting, but that comfort comes at a price. They increase your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity — while offering no nutritional value.

Your Action for Today
Satisfy your salty cravings with nutritious savory foods that provide the crunch and flavor you desire, including:
  • Air-popped popcorn: Sprinkle with a touch of sea salt and seasonings like garlic powder, rosemary, black pepper, chili powder, or turmeric.
  • Whole grain or vegetable-based crackers: Look for a short ingredient list plus high-fiber and low-sodium content.
  • Edamame: Try it steamed and lightly salted. This snack packs a punch with protein, fiber, and antioxidants. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system and overall health.
  • Seaweed snacks: Roasted, crunchy seaweed snacks are low in fat and calories. Seaweed is high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant protein.

You won’t feel deprived with these savory swaps, but you will reap the health benefits. It’s a win-win. Sharing your salty substitutes with your patients may encourage them to eat healthier, too.

If you enjoy trying out new recipes at home, this ANA blog, 10 Healthy At-Home Convenience Foods, features homemade crackers, tortilla chips, and other healthy takes on grab-and-go foods.

Join us on day 4: A sneak peek - Dump the soda and juice for healthier thirst-quenchers.

Missed day 2? Catch up here.

Blog Challenge Tips 03/13/2025 5:04pm CDT

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