Schedule A Meet 1644

Schedule A Meet

f5fc851cf1d04dc178bd1ab8c4b14f69-huge-abIt is day 5 of the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge.

Now that you know who your representatives are, call their office up and set up a meeting. Yes, you can do that! They want to hear from constituents — especially those that have unique insights into issues where they’re not experts.

Don’t be offended if your meeting isn’t with your elected official, but instead with a member of his or her staff. Government officials are busy and their staff members — whose recommendation to their boss will be pivotal — will relay your message.

Here are some things to keep in mind during your meeting:
  • Before your meeting, find out what committees they are a part of so you’ll understand the issues that are important to them.
  • Dress appropriately, as you would for any business meeting.
  • Be respectful. Even if you don’t agree with your representative’s stance on an issue, be cordial and calm when speaking.
  • Become their go-to. Since you have first-hand experience from your work as a nurse, let your representative know that their team can call you if they need someone to talk through issues around health care. Offer to become a resource.
  • Follow up. A week or so after the meeting, give the office a call to see what progress they’ve made on the issues you discussed.

If you can swing it come to Washington on Hill Day to join nurses from around the country that will be meeting with their senators or members of Congress next week. Can't make it? You can also meet them in your state or let us know what you are passionate about and who you're "on call" for here and we'll amplify your words in Congress.  

Congratulations! You’ve been an involved nurse advocate for a week already! We know this is a lot of information to digest, so we’ve planned a #BedsideandBeyond  #nurseadvocacy Twitter chat to answer your questions next Tuesday June 19

Find this helpful? Share it with a nurse by using the social media links on the left side of this page to invite them to sign up for the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge and join us on day 6.

Join the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™! An initiative to get our nation's 4 million nurses healthier. 
Blog Challenge Tips 06/15/2018 10:01am CDT

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