Is Your Bedroom A Tech-free Zone? 2407

Is Your Bedroom A Tech-free Zone?

It's day 2 of the Healthy Sleep challenge.

Today's tip is make your bedroom a tech-free zone. 


The blue light from smartphones, television, and other electronics stimulates the body. 

Watch TV in a room other than the bedroom. Keep cell phones away from where you sleep. Designate a charging station in your home and have all family members put their smartphones there in the evening. This will prevent you from checking social media or using other apps instead of resting or connecting with your spouse. 

Let us know if this works for you. Share other ideas with us in our discussion or in our Facebook group, on Twitter, or Instagram.

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Missed day 1? Catch up here. Join us on day 3. Haven't joined the challenge yet? Sign up here.

Blog Challenge Tips 11/07/2018 8:02am CST

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Loceania1 Loceania1 Feb '19
Thanks to this challenge, I just set up my alarm clock in my bedroom and got my phone out of my bedroom (and no longer use that as an alarm clock). It was too tempting to look at my phone while lying in bed and I sacrificed a lot of sleep to “catch up” on emails, social media, etc. 

I have room darkening shades that help block out street light pollution. 

I feel more more rested this morning by going to sleep early enough to get 8 hrs sleep before the alarm clock woke me this morning. One step at a time!
I use dark curtains, a white noise machine, and minimize light from all sources. Praying and meditating when laying down, and turn my phone to airplane mode and face it down. When I wake I try to follow the routine of stretching, making my bed, and a few moments of positive self talk. 


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