Make More Time For Yourself 3868

Make More Time For Yourself


It's day 8 of the Leveling Your A1C challenge, powered by support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare. 

You cannot pour from an empty cup. Yet as a nurse, you’re expected to pour from your cup every day. It’s time to refill. Make tonight all about YOU.

Why? Those who never take time for themselves are bound to burnout and feel stressed — and stress impacts diabetes management. Stress releases higher levels of cortisol, and people with high cortisol have a harder time managing blood sugar levels.

If you want to level your A1C, you should focus not just on diet and exercise, but your mental and emotional well-being, too. So, let’s reduce your stress levels as much as possible. Try one of these ideas:
  • Try meditation — it’s the perfect stress-reliever. There are plenty of meditations to try with Headspace PLUS. Sign up for your FREE account here!
  • Unplug (if possible) and eat somewhere with fewer distractions, such as the hospital cafeteria.
  • Take a walk tonight or sit outside to get some fresh air, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Make time for a hobby you enjoy but haven’t had time for lately.
  • Set aside at least 10 minutes for something mindless that helps you relax.
You spend so much time taking care of others, it’s time to take care of yourself. When you take time for yourself to destress, you’re doing your blood sugar levels (and body) a favor. Plus, your body and mind will be healthy so you can properly take care of patients.

Need more? No problem. Try these stress reduction tactics for nurses. If you can't squeeze it in tonight try it tomorrow.


Tell us what you do for yourself here or reply to us on Twitter, in our private Facebook group or Instagram. Remember to tag us with #healthynurse!

Find this helpful? Use the social media links on the left side of your page to share it with a nurse and invite them to join Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation!

Missed day 7? Catch up here. Join us on day 9.

Sponsored by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare 



Blog Challenge Tips 11/11/2020 5:44pm CST

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