Exercise While Watching TV 4173

Exercise While Watching TV

It's day 6 of the Building Your Strength Challenge, powered by Humana.

Who says watching your favorite show must be sedentary? Make it active today (and build strength while you’re at it) with some simple exercises. 

Worried you’ll miss a tense scene or plot twist while exercising? Take advantage of those 15- second breaks between episodes. Do a body weight exercise (like a plank or wall-sit) during that time.

Here are a few ideas:
  • Sit in a squat
  • Hold a plank
  • Do standing lunges
  • Try standing calf raises
  • Sit on the floor and stretch
  • Jog in place
Need more inspiration? Read our blog post on ways to sneak fitness into your routine.

Tell us how you are doing in the challenge in the updates section here, in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram. Tag us with #healthynurse.

Find this helpful? Use the social media links on the left side of your page to share it with a nurse.
Missed day 5? Catch up here. Join us on day 7.

Blog Challenge Tips 05/16/2022 10:16am CDT

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