Appreciate The People In Your Life 4292

Appreciate The People In Your Life

What makes you feel thankful toward someone? Maybe a person went above and beyond to show you kindness. If you’re like most people, you feel grateful, but you may struggle to show it.

Today’s challenge is to express gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful people in your life. Think of a family member, coworker, or friend who has done something amazing for you. Maybe they went out of their way to compliment you, or they took a burden off your shoulders, or they showed you extra compassion.

As you think of this person, write down the answers to these questions:
  1. Who is the person and the experience or behavior you feel grateful for?
  2. How did you benefit?
  3. Why is this meaningful?
  4. How will you show this person your appreciation? (e.g., write a note, tell them face-to-face, send flowers, etc.)

Remember to follow-through and share your gratitude with the person. It’s one thing to feel grateful, but to express it is a whole new level of appreciation. And you’ll be glad you did.

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”
   - John F. Kennedy

Need more inspiration and ideas? Read our blog post on incorporating meaningful nurse recognition.

Share how you are doing in the challenge with us in our update thread here or in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram. Tag us with #healthynurse.

Missed day 1? Catch up here. Join us on day 3.
Blog Challenge Tips 12/13/2022 4:11pm CST

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