Reflect On Others’ Gratitude 4300

Reflect On Others’ Gratitude

Some people learn best from watching others, then replicating their actions. If this sounds like you, today you can use this learning style to improve your gratefulness.

Pay close attention to others' expression of gratitude, like when someone thanks you or shows appreciation for you. When you pause to notice these expressions, you’re more likely to experience a psychological desire to pay it forward. Think of it in terms of the Law of Reciprocity: When someone does something nice for you, you’ll do something nice in return.

When someone is grateful toward you, you’re more likely to show gratitude to someone else. Today, keep an eye out for a situation when someone thanks you for something you did on their behalf. Think about:
  • How their appreciation made you feel
  • How you benefited from receiving their gratitude
  • What the experience says about the person who showed you gratitude

Look to others as models of gratefulness and try to imitate the ways they show appreciation. After all, imitation is the highest form of flattery.

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Blog Challenge Tips 12/23/2022 4:27pm CST

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