Take A Seat To Eat Mindful Meals challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare - Day 4 Tip 4351

Take A Seat To Eat Mindful Meals challenge, powered by Compass One Healthcare - Day 4 Tip


It’s hard to practice mindful eating when you’re always on the go. By making yourself sit down to eat, you’re eliminating the distraction of movement.  

Sitting down for meals makes the act of eating the priority. This habit sets you up for mindful eating success. You can be more aware of the tastes, textures, and components of the food you’re eating, as well as how your body is feeling. 

Because sitting while eating keeps your focus on the food, it helps prevent overeating. Cleveland Clinic says we eat 5% more while standing up — often because when we eat on the go, we’re less aware of how much we’re consuming. 

Whether you sit at a picnic table outside, at a table in the break room or cafeteria, in your car, or at your kitchen table — make sitting down for meals your newest healthy habit. 

Let us know how your mindful meals are going! Post a video or photo in our challenge update thread here, in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram and tag us with #healthynurse.

Find this helpful? Use the social media links on the left side of your page to share this with a nurse and invite them to join #healthynurse challenges at hnhn.org/challenges!

Missed day 3? Catch up here! Join us on day 5.

Powered by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare 



Blog Challenge Tips 03/17/2023 7:57am CDT

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