Spend Time With Animals 4427

Spend Time With Animals

There’s a reason why many hospitals and nursing homes use pet therapy to improve patients’ moods and help them manage anxiety and stress. Pets are good for our health.

Evidence shows that people who have pets often have better heart health compared to those who don’t. And research also suggests that animals can improve our mental health, too. They’re perfect companions when we’re feeling anxious and stressed.

Today, spend 15 minutes playing with, snuggling, or enjoying an animal’s company. It can be any animal — dog, cat, hamster, bird, horse, etc. Take out a ball of yarn and tease your cat, take your dog to the park for a game of Frisbee, or laugh while you watch your hamster run on his wheel.

Don’t have a pet? Try one of these ideas to get some animal love in your life:
  • Pet the friendly dog you see on your commute (with the owner’s permission, of course).
  • Spend time at a cat café if your city has one.
  • Visit a neighbor or loved one who has a pet.
  • Stop by your local humane society and ask to spend time with the cats or dogs.

Need more inspiration? See how Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™  Champion Vanderbilt University Medical Center offered pet therapy to nurses during a stressful EMR transition.

We want to see your animal friend! Post a video or photo in our challenge update thread here, in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram (tag us with #healthynurse!). 

Find this helpful? Use the social media links on the left side of your page to share this with a nurse you know!

Missed day 1? Catch up here. Join us on day 3.

Blog Challenge Tips 04/11/2023 5:01am CDT

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