Stick To A Schedule 4492

Stick To A Schedule


Did you know that having a schedule is good for you? Having a routine makes you more efficient and helps lower stress, which in turn improves your mental health and lowers your anxiety. Once something becomes part of your routine, it requires no extra thought, which means your brain can focus on other things.

That’s what we want to do with hydration — make it such a normal part of your schedule, that it requires zero thought. Today, make your own hydration schedule just like you would if you were giving a patient their medicine at a specific time.

Set an alarm on your smartphone to remind you to drink water at specific intervals throughout the day. You could also use the Daily Water – Drink Reminder (free, iPhone) or Water Reminder - Remind Drink (free, Android) mobile apps to help remind you. You could schedule alarms every hour, every half hour, or whatever works best for you. Use this Hydration Calculator to see how much you should drink each day.

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Missed day 1? Catch up here. Join us on day 3.

Powered by Support from Morrison Healthcare, A Division of Compass One Healthcare 


Blog Challenge Tips 07/25/2023 10:29am CDT

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