Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - When Nurses Become Patients — Your Day 4 Tip — How can you unlearn the urge to play nurse? Ask questions 4813

Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation - When Nurses Become Patients — Your Day 4 Tip — How can you unlearn the urge to play nurse? Ask questions


Today is day 4 of the When Nurses Become Patients challenge!

Yesterday, we tackled the “to-tell-or-not-to-tell” dilemma. Today? Let's temporarily unlearn the urge to play nurse.

When it comes to your job, knowledge is power. But as a patient, it's OK to take a backseat. You don’t have to steer the ship right now. It’s acceptable (and healthy) to NOT have all the answers.

Your Action for Today

Trust your health care team and focus on getting better, not researching every symptom.

The next time you have a question, ask! Before you dive into self-diagnosis, take a deep breath and remember — you're the patient today, and that's perfectly fine.

How are you doing in the challenge so far? Share your updates with us here, in our private Facebook group, or on Twitter, or Instagram - Tag us with #healthynurse!

Missed day 3? Catch up here.

Join us on day 5: A sneak peek - Practice asking for support and care.


Blog Challenge Tips 08/22/2024 7:27pm CDT

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