What Are You Passionate About? 1623

What Are You Passionate About?

It is day 2 of the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge. If you’ve been waiting to engage in the public policy process, now’s the time! There are key issues impacting nurses and patients that you can do more to change.

Today, we challenge you to think about what issues you are passionate about. Perhaps there is a cause you wholeheartedly want to get behind at work, at school, in your local community, maybe even at the national level. Is there one particular issue that impacts your work as a nurse? Or is there an issue in the news, such as gun violence or the opioid epidemic, which could inspire you to take action?

Determine what that is and then find organizations like the Coalition to Stop Opioid Overdose or Everytown for Gun Safety that are doing the work. Find out if you can join or support them. Sign up for their newsletter or follow them on social media. If you have the time, reach to them and ask if they need volunteers.

What issues are you passionate about? Tell us in our discussion or on Facebook.

Find this helpful? Share it with a nurse by using the social media links on the left side of this page to invite them to sign up for the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge and join us on day 3.

Join the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™! An initiative to get our nation's 4 million nurses healthier. 

Blog Challenge Tips 06/12/2018 8:08am CDT

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