Take First Steps 1640

Take First Steps

It is day 4 of the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge.

There are simple ways you can take action to make sure your voice is heard. Your task today is to take first steps.

Personalize a letter at the links below to let your representatives know how you feel. The more personal details you can include about the ways these issues impact you, your coworkers, or your patients, the better!

Send an email to Congress asking them to:
Pass nurse-driven safety policies   
Demand more education funding for nurses
Tell lawmakers to fight the opioid crisis

You can also:
Sign a petition to end nurse abuse
Email Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar asking him to fund gun violence research
Register for Hill Day to visit Capitol Hill on June 21

What first step will you take today? Tell us in our discussion or on Facebook.

Find this helpful? Share it with a nurse by using the social media links on the left side of this page to invite them to sign up for the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge and join us on day 5.

Join the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™! An initiative to get our nation's 4 million nurses healthier. 

Blog Challenge Tips 06/14/2018 9:20am CDT

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