#BedsideandBeyond? 1680


It is day 8 of the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge! 

Throughout the challenge we have been using the Year of Advocacy #BedsideandBeyond. What does this mean? As nurses we have a unique voice that needs to be heard. Whether you serve on a committee at your workplace, improve processes at your organization, or speak up for the interests of patients, you’re already an advocate.

So far we have been talking about issue advocacy in this challenge, but it is important to realize that moments of everyday advocacy at the bedside can change lives. We know that every day #nurseadvocacy changes lives. Does your community? We want you to realize the power you have in your daily tasks and also beyond into your greater communities. 

We are seeing nurses become more vocal in their communities, including those running for office like Lauren Underwood and Heather Ross and other nurses that are advocating in their communities like Sarah Oerther who started a community garden to address food insecurity in neighborhoods of a Missouri college town.

Even if you can't do larger acts of advocacy, start small and exercise the muscle of sharing your stories with your communities and those that represent you so that others realize the importance of your role as well. Let us know how you’re making a difference in the lives of your patients, colleagues, or within your community here (we may feature you on ANA’s Year of Advocacy) or on social media with the hashtag #BedsideAndBeyond.

Find this helpful? Share it with a nurse by using the social media links on the left side of this page to invite them to sign up for the Use Your Voice advocacy challenge and join us on day 9.

Join Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™! An initiative to get our nation's 4 million nurses healthier.  

Blog Challenge Tips 06/20/2018 8:38am CDT

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